Whose fake southern accent is more ridiculous?

Who has the more ridiculous fake southern accent?

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Looks like she is still at it in her appearance in Detroit.

Wow. It does not look like she can help it.

Either that, or polls show that shit works.


Hillary slips her some hot sauce which she will pull out of her pocket during an interview with the cameras rolling.

I remember when I worked at IBM and spoke to sometimes 50-60 Americans a day in sales. I was doing laundry in the shytehole apartment building I lived in and I was on my cellphone with someone. The lady who was also in the laundry room asked me where in America I was from because she could hear the accent. I was surprised and said, "Im born and raised in Toronto" she was shocked and said, "the way you inunciate your words, you sound American".

It was the first time I realized that I DID sound slightly different and I wasn't even aware of it. WHen you speak to people for hours a day, it can rub off on you. I know for sure I didn't purposely try to sound this way because I was caught a few times by those who would ask me where I am from, apparently because of how we say the word "about". I definitely don't sound very Canadian compared to many, but, I suppose there is just enough of an accent for them to pick it up.

For the record, I specifically recall multiple people saying they thought I was from North Carolina, weird huh?

Anyways, fake accents for political gain are about as low as one can sink. That just screams "fake" to Independents who think a little more than the average voter I presume.
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Don't worry. He loves you. You're very special.
Do you think Joe loves you? Kamala is no different. They are numbed as politicians and are dead inside. The seduction of the fruits of corruption ensnared them long ago. You saw the evolution of AOC. A dimwit who through osmosis knows more now than when first elected. However, she crossed the seduction line a year or so after her first election. She has done nothing for her constituents. She has cost them. Now she goes to expensive Prog and entertainers' parties and lives the life of the affluent and well off. They promote agendas that are forced on peasants and not on themselves. Trump has agendas and his personality tries to keep them. Since you are so damn concerned about his personality. Well, that is part of it. And he could have had more in his first term. And yes, there are things Presidents have to do whether they like it or not. Trump though attempted to say in his direction. Joe and Kamla are chameleon. Snakes as it were. Let Joe and Kamla have the peasant diet from where the immigrants are coming from or the impoverished in our nation. Those grifters are eating expensive multi course meals every day. And what they throw out on a plate in cost could feed a family a holiday meal.
Kamala Harris' ridiculously fake southern accent...

Hillary Clinton's ridiculously fake southern accent...

It's close, but I think Kamala is the most ridiculous because she makes a sad attempt at trying to sound like she's from the hood.

0bama would sometimes try to sound black, as well. Algore tried it too
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