Trump desecrates Arlington Cemetary and lies to veterans.

The issue isn't what Biden or Harris could have done, the issue is what Donald Trump did, which was both disrespectful to the families who contacted him, and to the nation.

The families didn't want to create a national scandal and embroil themselves in controversy. They wanted to honour their loved ones. Instead, they're being asked to create videos blaming Biden and Harris, and defend Trump's illegal and disrespectful behaviour.

Trump has abused these families and their trust in him. What an asshole!!!
/—-/ So it matters not what the sitting president and VP do or don’t do. It’s all about a private citizen.
The issue isn't what Biden or Harris could have done, the issue is what Donald Trump did, which was both disrespectful to the families who contacted him, and to the nation.

The families disagree with you. You don’t get to speak for them.

The families didn't want to create a national scandal and embroil themselves in controversy.
Neither did Trump. It was the media and Democrats who needed two-minutes-of-hate that wanted a national controversy.

They wanted to honour their loved ones.
They did. They honored their loved ones with Trump because the Democrats gave them the finger and ignored their request. Now the people who couldn’t even dignify their invitation with a response are exploiting the incident to campaign on because they have nothing to run on except Trump-hate.
/—-/ So it matters not what the sitting president and VP do or don’t do. It’s all about a private citizen.

Again, neither Biden nor Harris have any involvement with what happened. This is all on the illegal, immoral and abusive behaviour of the conman,rapist, criminal you want to put back in the White House.

There is NOTHING you can say which will change the fact that Trump is a convicted felon, who continues to flout the laws of the land, and to abuse American citizens in the process.
The families disagree with you. You don’t get to speak for them.

Neither did Trump. It was the media and Democrats who needed two-minutes-of-hate that wanted a national controversy.

They did. They honored their loved ones with Trump because the Democrats gave them the finger and ignored their request. Now the people who couldn’t even dignify their invitation with a response are exploiting the incident to campaign on because they have nothing to run on except Trump-hate.

If you don't think that Trump did this on purpose, I have a lovely ski resort in Miami I'd like to sell you.

Do you have ANY evidence that they invited Democrats and were snubbed???? They INVITED TRUMP, and only Trump. Stop lying.
Again, neither Biden nor Harris have any involvement with what happened. This is all on the illegal, immoral and abusive behaviour of the conman,rapist, criminal you want to put back in the White House.

There is NOTHING you can say which will change the fact that Trump is a convicted felon, who continues to flout the laws of the land, and to abuse American citizens in the process.
/——/ Dementia Joe and Commie Harris couldn’t give a crap about dead vets. Trump showed up. Deal with it.
The families disagree with you. You don’t get to speak for them.

Neither did Trump. It was the media and Democrats who needed two-minutes-of-hate that wanted a national controversy.

They did. They honored their loved ones with Trump because the Democrats gave them the finger and ignored their request. Now the people who couldn’t even dignify their invitation with a response are exploiting the incident to campaign on because they have nothing to run on except Trump-hate.
Don't be unhappy, it's not good for you.
90% of America disagrees with the family.
You know Trump is losing don't you.
/——/ Dementia Joe and Commie Harris couldn’t give a crap about dead vets. Trump showed up. Deal with it.

Trump showed up and made a complete and disgusting spectacle of himself and humiliated the families. Then he made a campaign video of it all and put it up on TikTok.

There are no limits to the depths he will sink to.
Oh, Canada has no problems?

Canada has sound governance which deals with the problems. If they don't, they won't be re-elected.

The USA has chaos, disfunction, and one party that is trying to install a dictator. "The USA will always do the right thing - after it has exhausted all other possibilities" - Winston Churchill.

Putting Trump back into office after the abject failure of his first administration, would be insanity, writ large.

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