Trump desecrates Arlington Cemetary and lies to veterans.

Don't be unhappy. Social media and most of the press tore Trump up.
Didn't see it, I just saw Patriot paying attention to some gold star families who were sorely wronged by the current Administration. That's what most normal people saw.
Phoenix, Elbowgate, Cash for Access, Gropegate, SNC-Lavalin Affair, Lavalin Election Donation, Blackface Scandal, Sole Source Contracts, We Charity, ArriveCan, Sister in Law Ethic Commissioner, Chinese Government Interference 2019 & 2021, Yaroslav Hunka Scandal, The Disappearance of Native American Women, etc.

Go clean up your own house, bitch.
So you ARE claiming that Canada has no problems? I knew you were stupid, but wow...

No, that is not what I said. I said our problems are being acknowledged and addressed in a competent manner.

We have an idiot in the Premier's office in Ontario, but his approval rating is 34% and it's not going up anytime soon.

When Ford helds a press conference about his attempt to pave over and develop the Greenbelt which provides drinking water to 10 million people in the Greater Toronto Area.

Trump is USING the gold star families. I'm sure they didn't want this public embarassment.

When you can't even go to a memorial service without being an asshole, I'm guessing the families are regretting ever inviting him. This isn't what they wanted. This is what TRUMP wanted.

As always.
That shitshow at Arlington ranks right up there with Donny Dopetard claiming that he showed up at the WTC after 9/11 claiming that he helped with recovery efforts. Dopetard never went within a mile of the WTC after the attack.

Thete's no bottom to shitface Dopetard's antics.
Phoenix, Elbowgate, Cash for Access, Gropegate, SNC-Lavalin Affair, Lavalin Election Donation, Blackface Scandal, Sole Source Contracts, We Charity, ArriveCan, Sister in Law Ethic Commissioner, Chinese Government Interference 2019 & 2021, Yaroslav Hunka Scandal, The Disappearance of Native American Women, etc.

Go clean up your own house, bitch.
You know Trump is falling farther behind, yes.
Phoenix, Elbowgate, Cash for Access, Gropegate, SNC-Lavalin Affair, Lavalin Election Donation, Blackface Scandal, Sole Source Contracts, We Charity, ArriveCan, Sister in Law Ethic Commissioner, Chinese Government Interference 2019 & 2021, Yaroslav Hunka Scandal, The Disappearance of Native American Women, etc.

Go clean up your own house, bitch.

Most of your list are "non scandals" or they've been resolved. "Blackface" is nothing. Yaroslav Hunka has been dealt with.

SNC-Lavelin happened under the Conservative Party in 2006 - IN ANOTHER COUNTRY, but not revealled until Trudeau came to office, in 2016. Trudeau's AG wanted severe penalies for SNC-Lavelin and who can blame her, but those in charge of the company when the corruption occurred, were long gone. And it all happened 10 years ago in another country.

The AG resigned when Trudeau refused to punish current management for the crimes committed in another country over a decade ago. Plus SNC Lavelin is the largest employer in Quebec. I tend to agree with Trudeau, on this one, because of the timing. Conservatives played this up bigtime because of politics.

Chinese government election interference and the disappearance of Native Women are issues, but there is nothing to discuss. The Royal Commission on Chinese election interference just wrapped up and we're still waiting to see what happens with the recommendations.

The disappearance of Native Women is being dealt with but far too slowly. There is no disagreement as to what needs to be done, the question is implementation.l

That's how sound governance works.
If you don't think that Trump did this on purpose, I have a lovely ski resort in Miami I'd like to sell you.

Do you have ANY evidence that they invited Democrats and were snubbed???? They INVITED TRUMP, and only Trump. Stop lying.
/—-/ It’s odd that the White House hasn’t released a statement that they weren’t invited since it’s so damaging.
Very odd indeed.
Most of your list are "non scandals" or they've been resolved. "Blackface" is nothing. Yaroslav Hunka has been dealt with.

SNC-Lavelin happened under the Conservative Party in 2006 - IN ANOTHER COUNTRY, but not revealled until Trudeau came to office, in 2016. Trudeau's AG wanted severe penalies for SNC-Lavelin and who can blame her, but those in charge of the company when the corruption occurred, were long gone. And it all happened 10 years ago in another country.

The AG resigned when Trudeau refused to punish current management for the crimes committed in another country over a decade ago. Plus SNC Lavelin is the largest employer in Quebec. I tend to agree with Trudeau, on this one, because of the timing. Conservatives played this up bigtime because of politics.

Chinese government election interference and the disappearance of Native Women are issues, but there is nothing to discuss. The Royal Commission on Chinese election interference just wrapped up and we're still waiting to see what happens with the recommendations.

The disappearance of Native Women is being dealt with but far too slowly. There is no disagreement as to what needs to be done, the question is implementation.l

A few quick excuses and back to sticking your unwanted nose in our business. Get the fuck out of here.
A few quick excuses and back to sticking your unwanted nose in our business. Get the fuck out of here.

You googled a list of Canadian "scandals" and this is all you found going back over the past 10 years. You knew nothing about any of them. If you had, you would not have included several of the items listed.

Furthermore, you didn't even mention any REAL problems we have. Like housing shortages and costs, labour shortages, and Chinese ownership in our energy sector.

When Americans stop telling the rest of the world how do to things, and YOU stop trying to control our health care, and industries, I'll butt out, but as long as you people are trying to run the world by your rules, we'll be here to point out how unqualified YOU are to tell us how to live.

Counter my arguements for a change instead of proving your ignorance and insulting my country.
That shitshow at Arlington ranks right up there with Donny Dopetard claiming that he showed up at the WTC after 9/11 claiming that he helped with recovery efforts. Dopetard never went within a mile of the WTC after the attack.

Thete's no bottom to shitface Dopetard's antics.
There is no end to shitdems faux outrage

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