Trump Tells Rally Crowd ‘You Have Smart Ones’ And Black Congressman Byron Donalds Is One of Them

I'm not blabbering b----. I'm posting fact.
What you don't believe is irrelevant, the facts are recorded.

Robert Longley, The Corwin Amendment, Enslavement, and Abraham Lincoln, Updated July 24, 2019, How the Corwin Amendment of 1861 Would Have Protected Enslavement

The Compromise of 1877, Khan Academy humanities/us-history/civil-war-era/reconstruction/a/ compromise-of-1877

Jeff Charles, Lily-White Movement: Why Black Americans Left The GOP, Liberty Nation News, April 02, 2021, Liberty Nation News - Free Thinking. Free Speech.

Lily-white movement, white-movement/

And since your ass never owned a slave according to you and the other bigots, talk about the party that signed our second and third enmancipation proclamtions which would be the civil and voting rights acts.

A Democrat did that. In our lifetimes, not the long ago past that you and the other bigots lecture us about not living in when you get white fragility because we mention what actually happened instead of what you pretend happened..

After he signed those Acts what happened b----? Why is the south Republican now?

Why does history reveal Republicans freed the slaves, Jim Crow was absolutely democrat and Democrats fought the Civil Rights Act?

I know all this and you're offering fluff BS. Go back to a real school and actually learn something besides the shit you're peddling
Why does history reveal Republicans freed the slaves, Jim Crow was absolutely democrat and Democrats fought the Civil Rights Act?

I know all this and you're offering fluff BS. Go back to a real school and actually learn something besides the shit you're peddling
What history reveals is that republicans and democrts resisted freeing slaves and that Repubicans really only freed saves in the states that seceded from the union. It also shows that Republicans and Democrats equally participated in the apartheid that happened after slavery. Finally, it shows that democrats ended the second wave of overt white supremacy.

You are the one who needs to go back to school Stepford housewife.
Why does history reveal Republicans freed the slaves, Jim Crow was absolutely democrat and Democrats fought the Civil Rights Act?

I know all this and you're offering fluff BS. Go back to a real school and actually learn something besides the shit you're peddling
It's because you are confusing Republicans with Conservatives.
Conservatives have ALWAYS been the people that HATE.
  • Fact
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Former President Donald Trump said of prominent Black supporter Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) “That one is smart!” — adding “You have smart ones” and without specifying what the “ones” were.

During the main event, Trump made a point of name-checking Donalds in the crowd, recognizing him as “a smart one” in a scene reminiscent of Trump’s infamous “my African American” line several years ago:

Good old Uncle Byron, he is one of the smart ones.

Does that mean he knows how to stay in his place and do as he is told?
He's right. Candace Owens too.
Blacks have a "place"? Let me guess...on the Democratic "plantation" that they've been stuck on for the past 60 years? Democrats care less about blacks with each passing day. They're now the Party of Coastal elites and illegal immigrants. I'm curious to see how long it takes for you to figure that out!
There is no democratic plantation. The plantation never let a black person run it. The Democratic party has now nominated 2 blacks for President. Democrats care so much less about blacks that their presidential nominee is black. That the congressional leader is black. That if the democrats take congress there will be a black speaker, around 20 black committee chairs and 30 black subcomittee chairs. You aren't talking to some dumb ass black teenage wannabe rap artist son, I know what's going on, and your depiction of the democratic party is framed by republicans.
It's because you are confusing Republicans with Conservatives.
Conservatives have ALWAYS been the people that HATE.

Well that was incredibly stupid and a horrible attempt at deflection

You left loons got way too many trophies and head pats in school. You didn't learn a damn thing
It's because you are confusing Republicans with Conservatives.
Conservatives have ALWAYS been the people that HATE.
True. Real Republicans are not these guys. We can disagree on politics, but that doesn't take away the basic goodness of a human being. Real republicans aren't the racist vermin we see today. I live in a Republican state and have known Republicns leaders in state politics, none of them have been like these guys.
Well that was incredibly stupid and a horrible attempt at deflection

You left loons got way too many trophies and head pats in school. You didn't learn a damn thing
There was no deflection. You're just an idiot.
True. Re Republicans are not these guys. We can dusagree on politics, but that doesn't take away the basic goodness of a human being. Real republicans aren't the racist vermin we see today. I live in a Republican state and have known Republicns leaders in state politics, none of them have been like these guys.

It doesn't matter to me but it drives you 24/7.

That's the difference. You judge on skin color, I judge on character.
Its easy for a white person to dismiss racism. Especially when you're the white persoin that dishes outthe racism. Now the probem with your last sentence is that we don't see the color of our skin in these discussions. Therefore your comments show the content of your character.
Its easy for a white person to dismiss racism. Especially when you're the white persoin that dishes outthe racism. Now the probem with your last sentence is that we don't see the color of our skin in these discussions. Therefore your comments show the content of your character.
You take Racism to a whole new level. Therefore, that is quite uncharacteristic in itself.
You being a black man who is hell-bent on making every posts/comments solely on Race. Are you that thick?
Its easy for a white person to dismiss racism. Especially when you're the white persoin that dishes outthe racism. Now the probem with your last sentence is that we don't see the color of our skin in these discussions. Therefore your comments show the content of your character.

Oh BS, we have fantastic black, Asian, white etc friends. I highly doubt you could honestly claim that.

Your entire "persona" is created so you can speak racist crap 24/7. And yeah it's a persona, fake as fck
Byron Donalds is a step n fetchit, using the shuffe and jive lawn jockey mambo to acheive prominence.

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

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