Donald Trump now supports marijuana legalization

The implication (spin if you will) is that Trump supports federal legislation legalizing marijuana use, but that's not true. Trump is leaving it up to the democratic process where states can put it on the ballot if that's what the majority of the people want. Lefties hate it when it comes to abortion but seem to cheer it when it comes to legalizing marijuana..

Donald Trump comes out in support of recreational-use marijuana in Florida​

I donā€™t agree with this. I suppose Mr. Trump thinks itā€™s gonna get him a bunch of votes. Maybe it will. But I want to see a traditional masculine candidate in this country that stands up for traditional values. That includes banning pornography, being against drug use. Standing up for the police , Our founding fathersā€¦ and restoring the statues of men like Andrew Jackson, Christopher Columbus that have been destroyed by criminals in this country.

Iā€™m upset with this decision by Mr. Trump, but I will still vote for him bc Harris is an even more extreme leftist. Either way Itā€™s not a good sign for the future of the country.

Just seems like America is heading down a very feminized direction. Bunch of stay at home non employed men Sipping on their lattes. Boys getting sex change operations. And I still believe most Americans donā€™t want this stuff. Itā€™s being put on us by the media Hollywood and the corporations as a distraction from our bad economy.

We should have candidates who want to strengthen our middle class. What is all this nonsense about race, foreign wars, gender, and drug use?
Well went to a party last night. A big one.heart of Trump country. There was use of alcohol, weed, and blow that I know of. Possibly use of other drugs. The actions and behavior of the fat drunk stupid idiots was by far the most embarrassing. Lol, ya real fucking men that can't walk, puke, and basically acting like idiots is masculine? Ya, I had a couple of beers but over a 3 and half hour spa. I left before 9 o'clock, better shit to do than be or act like a drunken or drugged up fool. Alcohol and weed are legal here. Adults are free to make their own choices. I chose to remain sober. Did not need a law to make this choice. Those who chose to be idiots are free to make that choice as it should be. I guess if fat drunk and stupid is your idea of being masculine then go ahead and act that way. Don't think you can choose that for me or anyone else. Mind your fucking business. I have a right to be sober. The drunk has a right to be a drunk. The pot head has the right to be a pot head. No law is required for each to pay the consequences of their choices. Natural consequences take care of that. We don't need you telling us how to live. While I did not appreciate the drunkards and druggie the food and music was awesome. Glad I went and also glad I left. In moderation it was a good time. I think I got out at the right time also.
Trump says "the state will decide" and left wing media sources spin it to "Trump endorses marijuana". The guy can't get a break even when he does the right thing.
That may be a technicality, but itā€™s not good enough for a lot of people in this country. It kind of reminds me of Joe Biden saying he is personally against abortion, but itā€™s out of his hands when it comes to the politics of it.

I recognize an Americaā€™s going through a tremendous change. More people in this country today support things they wouldā€™ve never supported in the 1950s or even 10 years ago. traditional masculine values are under attack.

Anti-marijuana traditional Americans would say Trump needs to come out strongly and publicly say he will vote against the bill.

Despite its more normalized use and Trumpā€™s post, some Republicans still arenā€™t on board with legalizing recreational marijuana. Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) said earlier this year that he would vote against the ballot measure this fall because his brother, who died at 67 in April, began smoking marijuana as a teenager and led a life of addiction.

If people are true to their guns on certain course objects like abortion or marijuana legalization or any topic. Theyā€™re not gonna be those people who say thatā€™s ā€œjust let the states decideā€. Theyā€™re going to say they will vote a certain way or not. They will not be like trump and say well if itā€™s going to be legalized, letā€™s do it the right way. Even if theyā€™re outnumbered, theyā€™re gonna stick to their guns.

Again, I want to stress Iā€™m still voting for Trump so donā€™t worry.
The implication (spin if you will) is that Trump supports federal legislation legalizing marijuana use, but that's not true. Trump is leaving it up to the democratic process where states can put it on the ballot if that's what the majority of the people want. Lefties hate it when it comes to abortion but seem to cheer it when it comes to legalizing marijuana..
ā€œIn Florida, like so many other States that have already given their approval, personal amounts of marijuana will be legalized for adults with Amendment 3,ā€ Trump said in a post on his Truth Social site. ā€œWhether people like it or not, this will happen through the approval of the Voters, so it should be done correctly.ā€

Donā€™t worry Iā€™m still voting for Trump. But Iā€™m upset with his wording here. ā€œIt should be done correctlyā€

I want to see Trump vigorously, oppose marijuana legalization. He should try and convince the voters to do the right thing and impose marijuana legalization. I donā€™t agree with these folks who say ā€œlet the states decide things.ā€ if a majority of people in the state voted to legalize child pornography what would we say. ā€œ Well the state decidedā€. That wonā€™t cut it for me.

The anti-marijuana people in America may now be a minority. And I think itā€™s very unfortunate and goes against the values of our grandparents. I fully understand that America is changing including the culture of our countryā€¦ itā€™s becoming a lot more feminized.
support banning pornography, I fell into my clutches a few years back and now I am only breaking free. Being gay should be reclassified as a mental illness. Gambling should be banned especially with the rise of legal sport betting.

you are just the little fascist, aren't you.
This is Trump, so he'll flipflop back again tomorrow.

And all his followers will love it. They have no consistent principles themselves, so they demand a leader with no consistent principles.

Okay, I admit that Trump cultists do have one consistent principle, that sole principle being "might makes right" or "the ends always justify the means, but only for my own side" or "any sleaze is acceptible if it helps TheParty."

We Democrats know that the moral relativist Trump cultists will always hate us for our consistent principles. The pure shining light of liberal absolute morality causes physical pain to conservatives, much like sunlight burning a vampire, so they lash out in rage and hatred at the source of their pain.
you guys are a cult too....just a different brand.....

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