israel, westbank, gaza …. where are your sympthies?

my sympathies are with …

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So what? You found some examples of what da Joos did? Even if true, it is not comparable at all to what the HAMAS locusts did to Jews on October 7th. Yet funny… never even mention that, or that this is what has set off this entire thing.

May all the HAMAS locusts die in the same agonizing way in which they massacred the Jews, along with every Palestinian (which is most o them) in full support. I’d recommend their body parts be cut off, one by one, with the least life-threatening amputations done first.

You shamelessly employ #NaziTalk and are OK with war crimes to boot for the total package. Take a deep a look in the mirror and ask do you really want to be like that? Is this truly what you are?
You shamelessly employ #NaziTalk and are OK with war crimes to boot for the total package. Take a deep a look in the mirror and ask do you really want to be like that? Is this truly what you are?
The only Nazis were the HAMAS cockroaches on October 7th, and they were WORSE than the German Nazis.

Your antisemitism is driving your interpretations.
Hamas slaughtered them all.
Where are the instagram story posts?
Where is the widespread media condemnation?
Where are the calls for Hamas to stop killing innocent people?

View attachment 1004684

The atrocities are front page reporting on CNN. Pretty widespread it would seem.

The only Nazis were the HAMAS cockroaches on October 7th, and they were WORSE than the German Nazis.

Your antisemitism is driving your interpretations.

What kind of supposed Jew literally speaks and calls for force amputations on the living? Your words. This is literally what Dr. Mengele performed. You have no problem with aping the Nazi Angel of Death? And you are calling for this on millions of people. Listen to yourself.

What the proponents of the TSS fail to incorporate in this “solution” they offer is the inveterate hate for Jews that motivates the Palestinians. They are willing to fulfill jobs in the Israeli economy, and patronize some of the best hospitals in the entire world when sick, but as the events of October 7, 2023 have shown, once again, they hate the Jews more than they love their own children. Not only were Harvard students dancing in the streets in appreciation of this slaughter of innocent Israeli women and children, this applied to the Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere as well.

This enmity had nothing to do with land claims, or Arabs supposedly being pushed out of their homes and vineyards by Hebrews, or the state of Israel, born, only, in 1948. The hatred long predates those events. There were pogroms long before in this troubled corner of the globe. The massacre in Hebron in 1928 is only one case in point.
There are some inaccuracies here. Antisemitism is primarily a by-product of Western European Christianity as was the effort to exterminate Jews in the 1940s, a purely European phenomenon.

The "pogroms" you refer to mostly took place in surrounding Arab states in an atmosphere of the imminent declaration of independence by the Zionists in which indigenous non-Jew families were fearful of losing their homes, lands and right - and guess what? they were right, that's exactly what happened.

Hostility towards Jews today and even since the late 20s, is wholly attributable to the actions of the British, militant Zionist and later the United States. Israel has created rather a lot of ill-feeling in non-Jews since 1948, when 750,000 people were evicted form their homes and those homes stolen by European, foreign Jews, sadly the theft continues unabated as we can see in the new coming from the West Bank the past few months.

Israel is a Jew supremacist, colonial society, created by the British during the first world war with eager "assistance" from what became an increasingly nationalistic form of militant Zionism (which even used violence against non-Zionist Jews). The population of Jews was artificially inflated by the British before WW2, creating pressure for land decades before 1948.
No, the two state “solution” has been put paid. What, then, will finally bring peace to the Middle East? Step one will be when the Arabs finally learn to love their children more than they hate the Jews. We will know this has occurred when they stop using them as human shields. Step two will be when the Arabs finally learn that Israel is not a punching bag; when the IDF simply will not “take it any more” (these marauders are very slow learners)

The Zionist state needs to be wiped off the map just as was was the German Third Reich, wiped off the map and benefitting everyone in the process except the Nazis.

In its place we create an egalitarian Palestine where all citizens are treated equally no privileges set aside exclusively for Jews, no settlements (colonies), no locking people up for years without charge just because they are not Jews, no more special state assistance for building homes that is there only for Jews, no more demolishing Palestinian homes just because a kid in the family threw stones.

Your timelines are all over the place madam, Zionist's fake history, perhaps getting a real watch instead of the fake one you wear will help with that.

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The only Nazis were the HAMAS cockroaches on October 7th, and they were WORSE than the German Nazis.

Your antisemitism is driving your interpretations.
Madam, several of the villages attacked by Hamas on Oct 7th, is where Palestinians lived until 1948, whereupon they were all forced out, most of them ended up as refugees in Gaza. The Zionists the moved lots of "settlers" into the villages and they became "Jewish settlements".

I suspect many of those who took part in that Oct 7th attack had parents, grandparents or extended family who were part of the thousands ethnically cleansed in 1948.

Imagine being stuck in an open prison, with an unclimbable wall surrounding it topped with barbed wire. Then imagine watching these "kibbutz" settlements enjoying the groves and hills and streams that your grandparents had stolen from them, and imagine seeing joyful groups of young people singing and dancing at a concert with drugs, drinks, a party on your land, that you were not invited to.

Now as for "Nazis" try listening to a wise, experienced fellow Jew who lived under the Nazis, he's seen them, dealt with them, he knows Nazis when he sees them:


I stand with honorable, ethical, principled Jews, not Zionists, not Israelis but real Jews like the wonderful old Taxi driver I used to often get to work in the morning when I lived in London, his name was "solly" a kind, warm, fair person, not the beast in sheep's clothing like we see in Nazinyahu, Ben-Gvir and of course Beelzebub Snotrich.
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There are some inaccuracies here. Antisemitism is primarily a by-product of Western European Christianity as was the effort to exterminate Jews in the 1940s, a purely European phenomenon.

The "pogroms" you refer to mostly took place in surrounding Arab states in an atmosphere of the imminent declaration of independence by the Zionists in which indigenous non-Jew families were fearful of losing their homes, lands and right - and guess what? they were right, that's exactly what happened.

Hostility towards Jews today and even since the late 20s, is wholly attributable to the actions of the British, militant Zionist and later the United States. Israel has created rather a lot of ill-feeling in non-Jews since 1948, when 750,000 people were evicted form their homes and those homes stolen by European, foreign Jews, sadly the theft continues unabated as we can see in the new coming from the West Bank the past few months.

Israel is a Jew supremacist, colonial society, created by the British during the first world war with eager "assistance" from what became an increasingly nationalistic form of militant Zionism (which even used violence against non-Zionist Jews). The population of Jews was artificially inflated by the British before WW2, creating pressure for land decades before 1948.

The Zionist state needs to be wiped off the map just as was was the German Third Reich, wiped off the map and benefitting everyone in the process except the Nazis.

In its place we create an egalitarian Palestine where all citizens are treated equally no privileges set aside exclusively for Jews, no settlements (colonies), no locking people up for years without charge just because they are not Jews, no more special state assistance for building homes that is there only for Jews, no more demolishing Palestinian homes just because a kid in the family threw stones.

Your timelines are all over the place madam, Zionist's fake history, perhaps getting a real watch instead of the fake one you wear will help with that.

:th_believecrap:I wonder whose sok you are.

I bet you don’t believe a word of that precocious crap you tout.

I saw, on another forum, one megalomaniac boasting about having 21 soks in plain sight, right under the very noses of the mods and the posters.
:th_believecrap:I wonder whose sok you are.

I bet you don’t believe a word of that precocious crap you tout.
What's truly frightening is you actually do believe the racial supremacist apartheid claptrap that you regularly contaminate the forum with. Perhaps you're a Zionist, or perhaps you hail from South Africa, there has to be something in your past that made you this depraved and bigoted.

I can provide sources for everything I said, in fact anyone can do their own research and establish exactly what I did. If you want to suppress truth so much then go and live in Israel the racist wonderland for racist Jews, you'd fit right in - but only if your a Jew, else you ain't getting in!
I saw, on another forum, one megalomaniac boasting about having 21 soks in plain sight, right under the very noses of the mods and the posters.
"Soks"? what does a Russian submarine detection technology have to do with this discussion?
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Madam, several of the villages attacked by Hamas on Oct 7th, is where Palestinians lived until 1948, whereupon they were all forced out, most of them ended up as refugees in Gaza. The Zionists the moved lots of "settlers" into the villages and they became "Jewish settlements".

I suspect many of those who took part in that Oct 7th attack had parents, grandparents or extended family who were part of the thousands ethnically cleansed in 1948.

Imagine being stuck in an open prison, with an unclimbable wall surrounding it topped with barbed wire. Then imagine watching these "kibbutz" settlements enjoying the groves and hills and streams that your grandparents had stolen from them, and imagine seeing joyful groups of young people singing and dancing at a concert with drugs, drinks, a party on your land, that you were not invited to.

Now as for "Nazis" try listening to a wise, experienced fellow Jew who lived under the Nazis, he's seen them, dealt with them, he knows Nazis when he sees them:

View attachment 1004718

I stand with honorable, ethical, principled Jews, not Zionists, not Israelis but real Jews like the wonderful old Taxi driver I used to often get to work in the morning when I lived in London, his name was "solly" a kind, warm, fair person, not the beast in sheep's clothing like we see in Nazinyahu, Ben-Gvir and of course Beelzebub Snotrich.
Sorry, you’re just another antisemite - with your description of “Jew supremacist state.” Israel gives a much better life to its 20% Muslim citizens than the surrounding Arab states give to its Jewish citizens.

Oh wait….there aren’t any. The Muslim Supremacist states drove them all out, stealing their homes and property.

Sir, you double standards where Jews are concerned reveals your antisemitism so peddle your crap to a gullible fool, or stick it back up where the sun don’t shine.
What's truly frightening is you actually do believe the racial supremacist apartheid claptrap that you regularly contaminate the forum with. Perhaps you're a Zionist, or perhaps you hail from South Africa, there has to be something in your past that made you this depraved and bigoted.

I can provide sources for everything I said, in fact anyone can do their own research and establish exactly what I did. If you want to suppress truth so much then go and live in Israel the racist wonderland for racist Jews, you'd fit right in - but only if your a Jew, else you ain't getting in!

"Soks"? what does a Russian submarine detection technology have to do with this discussion?

Not the slightest bit interested.

Learn to spell while you’re at it.
Sorry, you’re just another antisemite - with your description of “Jew supremacist state.” Israel gives a much better life to its 20% Muslim citizens than the surrounding Arab states give to its Jewish citizens.

Oh wait….there aren’t any. The Muslim Supremacist states drove them all out, stealing their homes and property.

Sir, you double standards where Jews are concerned reveals your antisemitism so peddle your crap to a gullible fool, or stick it back up where the sun don’t shine.

Are you sure he’s not just putting on an act?
Not the slightest bit interested.

Learn to spell while you’re at it.
Wow. Look at all the antisemitic dog whistles Sherlock got in - apartheid, supremacist, Zionist (used in a demeaning way) - in a single post!
Are you sure he’s not just putting on an act?
I think several of these anti-Jew propagandists are paid by HAMAS organizations.

And look how they don't let up! The murdered bodies of six more Jewish hostages were just discovered, and the antisemites don’t miss a beat condemning the Jews.

Also, I notice that the worst of the worst have British sounding account names - Sherlock here, but there’s also a George Phillip something. There are hordes of Muslim antisemites who have invaded London from Arab countries, and this might be what we have here.

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