Donald Trump now supports marijuana legalization

This is actually kind of upsetting because Trump has always spoken about his brother being an addict…. Always telling people including his kids “don’t drink don’t smoke”. Now here he is pro marijuana.

He still is better than Harris.

I liked Vivek Ramaswamy bc he would always speak his mind , and stick to his principles even if he knew it would enrage last wingers.
His brother was not a drug addict. He was an alcoholic.
Sad. After November, they will be saying, they should have gone with Nikki. They will be right, of course.
I don’t think so. Haley is a warmonger. She’s not America first wrt her supporting giving large amounts of money to countries for foreign wars that don’t affect America.

We’ve come to realize all of us should that we’re simply entering a new phase in America. Where it’s become normalized to disrespect American history. Where people can invent the idea that America was uniquely racist/evil in its history. Where it has become normalized to say that there are 100 genders, that a kid can get a sex change, it’s OK to walk around naked at a parade in front of kids. Part of all of this has been the legalization of drugs. Often see dope use associated with leftist radicals

Now again I understand some Republicans who are employed smoke marijuana. But even they will admit that marijuana is abused by other folks in America.
His brother was not a drug addict. He was an alcoholic.
Point is Trump has always told people don’t smoke don’t use drugs and don’t drink.

I caught an interview where Trump talked about his brother using cocaine too much as well.
Now let’s contrast that with a pot smoking guy living in his parents basement playing video games all day

This is the standard Faux/SUB interpretation of marijuana use, and it is just as off the target as calling W a "conservative."

Many NFL stars admit playing football at a high level on pot. A RB who had 200 yards in an NFL game said he smoked pot before it.

Michael Phelps is the greatest ever swimmer...


Michael Phelps 'caught with cannabis pipe'

Not enough evidence to charge Phelps, sheriff says -

Michael Phelps Sports All 23 Gold Medals For SI Cover - CBS Baltimore

Michael Phelps Gold Medal Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty ...


Donald Trump comes out in support of recreational-use marijuana in Florida​

I don’t agree with this. I suppose Mr. Trump thinks it’s gonna get him a bunch of votes. Maybe it will. But I want to see a traditional masculine candidate in this country that stands up for traditional values. That includes banning pornography, being against drug use. Standing up for the police , Our founding fathers… and restoring the statues of men like Andrew Jackson, Christopher Columbus that have been destroyed by criminals in this country.
I support banning pornography, I fell into my clutches a few years back and now I am only breaking free. Being gay should be reclassified as a mental illness. Gambling should be banned especially with the rise of legal sport betting. The police needs to be respected instead of being criticised for killing black criminals. George Floyd deserved his fate and the officer was tried for "murder" disgusting. Also people disrespect our veterans. I was raised to love our veterans because people on my grandfather's side of my family including said 90 year old grandfather was it the military. I also want prayer back in school and good old gospel music from back in the day. I'll link one. Most people never heard of J.D. Sumner, but besides his gospel, he worked with Elvis.

Wtf is a SUB?

Sounds like you'd like Tree's new hybrid: Mango IPA Frogurt.

Da fuq ever happened to just like..Thai Stick or Jamaican Gold? :dunno:

DuPont is who got weed outlawed in America so he could sell nylon rope instead of hemp and have a monopoly.

Hemp makes good rope. I had one for a couple decades.

Also, Anslinger outlawed it because chasing coke and heroin wasn't enough to keep his Federal Agency working

and justify it being. Yah.
Until recently my only experience with weed was nickle bags and the complaint was “seeds and stems”

A while ago a relative joined a Canadian Cannabis Co as COO and when we got to talking he mentioned “$10/seed”, this was pre Bidenflation. Staggering!

My brother chimed in that he knew a warehouse grower near Spokane and they were doing hybridizing like something from Breaking Bad

I tried growing (awful heartbreaking experience) so now I stick to buying and experimenting with strains I might like

There’s an app Leafy that I’ve found very useful for potential strains I might like
I support banning pornography, I fell into my clutches a few years back and now I am only breaking free. Gambling should be banned especially with the rise of legal sport betting. The police needs to be respected instead of being criticised for killing black criminals. George Floyd deserved his fate and the officer was tried for "murder" disgusting. Also people disrespect our veterans. I was raised to love our veterans because people on my grandfather's side of my family including said 90 year old grandfather was it the military. I also want prayer back in school and good old gospel music from back in the day. I'll link one. Most people never heard of J.D. Sumner, but besides his gospel, he worked with Elvis.

Agreed with a lot here. I would say George Floyd was committing a crime on the day in action and was sky high on lethal drugs, which led to his death. He didn’t die because of the police actions.

As for gambling. Here’s the thing it’s a part of a capitalistic society. And while a small portion of people can lose all their money many more people lose everything trying to start a business or investing into the stock market. These types of things whether it is investing into the stock market or Gambling is not the same as using a physically addictive drug that can kill people. Like certain drugs can actually kill people if they overdose, for example. As bad as too much gambling can be you can’t overdose from it and die. Also poker for example is a game of skill unlike a slot machine or shooting the dice in craps.
This is the standard Faux/SUB interpretation of marijuana use, and it is just as off the target as calling W a "conservative."

Many NFL stars admit playing football at a high level on pot. A RB who had 200 yards in an NFL game said he smoked pot before it.

Michael Phelps is the greatest ever swimmer...


Michael Phelps 'caught with cannabis pipe''caught with cannabis pipe'

Not enough evidence to charge Phelps, sheriff says -

Michael Phelps Sports All 23 Gold Medals For SI Cover - CBS Baltimore

Michael Phelps Gold Medal Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty ...

But I’ve already said it acknowledged that productive people have smoked marijuana. And you folks who may be pro marijuana should be honest and do the same thing and recognize the fact that a substantial portion of marijuana users are the types who are living at home, not working a job and playing video games all day that is simply a fact.

I’ll readily admit that some alcohol users are full-blown alcoholics and they are incapable of working because they’re drinking all the time. Now on the other hand, people have to be honest and admit that plenty of successful people have a drink from time to time.

And here’s my point. It’s simply a fact that alcohol is associated with traditional masculinism, traditional imagery in America and elsewhere in the western world. You can think of James Bond with a beautiful women and a glass of whiskey. Do you ever see James Bond smoking dope?
I don’t think so. Haley is a warmonger. She’s not America first wrt her supporting giving large amounts of money to countries for foreign wars that don’t affect America.

We’ve come to realize all of us should that we’re simply entering a new phase in America. Where it’s become normalized to disrespect American history. Where people can invent the idea that America was uniquely racist/evil in its history. Where it has become normalized to say that there are 100 genders, that a kid can get a sex change, it’s OK to walk around naked at a parade in front of kids. Part of all of this has been the legalization of drugs. Often see dope use associated with leftist radicals

Now again I understand some Republicans who are employed smoke marijuana. But even they will admit that marijuana is abused by other folks in America.
She was my governor. I regret supporting her when I was a kid.
Trump says "the state will decide" and left wing media sources spin it to "Trump endorses marijuana". The guy can't get a break even when he does the right thing.
Agreed with a lot here. I would say George Floyd was committing a crime on the day in action and was sky high on lethal drugs, which led to his death. He didn’t die because of the police actions.

As for gambling. Here’s the thing it’s a part of a capitalistic society. And while a small portion of people can lose all their money many more people lose everything trying to start a business or investing into the stock market. These types of things whether it is investing into the stock market or Gambling is not the same as using a physically addictive drug that can kill people. Like certain drugs can actually kill people if they overdose, for example. As bad as too much gambling can be you can’t overdose from it and die. Also poker for example is a game of skill unlike a slot machine or shooting the dice in craps.
He died from lack of police actions to give him NARCAN. Idk if the police in that city carry it or not.
I would say George Floyd was committing a crime on the day in action and was sky high on lethal drugs

Then you are a complete and total moron who does not understand that a human with 2 times the lethal dose of fentanyl is completely incoherent in under 2 minutes and dead in 5. Floyd's "ingestion" of the "fentanyl" was 10 minutes or more before he had a 5 minute conversation with Chauvin which ended with Floyd correctly stating


If you have NO FUCKING CLUE what you are talking about please STFU. The Jew Supremacist Zionist Fascist coroner had fudged 6 other Chauvin deaths as "not Chauvin's fault," 5 of which were WHITE PEOPLE. Chauvin knew when he murdered Floyd the coroner would do that again, which is why he was smirking while murdering.

This type of toxic idiocy is killing the GOP. You are a toxic left wing big government parroting moron.
Then you are a complete and total moron who does not understand that a human with 2 times the lethal dose of fentanyl is completely incoherent in under 2 minutes and dead in 5. Floyd's "ingestion" of the "fentanyl" was 10 minutes or more before he had a 5 minute conversation with Chauvin which ended with Floyd correctly stating


If you have NO FUCKING CLUE what you are talking about please STFU. The Jew Supremacist Zionist Fascist coroner had fudged 6 other Chauvin deaths as "not Chauvin's fault," 5 of which were WHITE PEOPLE. Chauvin knew when he murdered Floyd the coroner would do that again, which is why he was smirking while murdering.

This type of toxic idiocy is killing the GOP. You are a toxic left wing big government parroting moron.
George Floyd was under the influence and that is why he died. When he said I can't breathe, he was referring to the drugs in his system. And plus you are acting like an antisemitic person.

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