Reminder: It is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections. All of the GOP noise around this is aimed at distracting you!

There has been plenty of evidence of it happening. You just don’t want to believe it because your party depends on the illegal vote.
Federal courts primarily use voter registration records as the source for jury pools, but may also use other sources:
Voter registration lists: The primary source for jury pools in federal courts.

You think that illegals would register to vote and risk getting scrutinized by being called for federal jury service.

I thought the whole idea was that illegals tried to avoid getting caught.
Federal courts primarily use voter registration records as the source for jury pools, but may also use other sources:
Voter registration lists: The primary source for jury pools in federal courts.

You think that illegals would register to vote and risk getting scrutinized by being called for federal jury service.

I thought the whole idea was that illegals tried to avoid getting caught.
Why would they be afraid of being caught being illegal in the US when the Biden Kamala Regime has already welcomed them in and will not deport them anyway?
Why would they be afraid of being caught being illegal in the US when the Biden Kamala Regime has already welcomed them in and will not deport them anyway?
If you don't respond to a federal jury notice, you could be held in contempt of court and face consequences, including:
Fines: You could be fined up to $1,000
Imprisonment: You could be imprisoned for up to three days
Community service: You could be ordered to perform community service
Civil contempt conviction: You could have a civil contempt conviction on your record
Funny, that sounds like we only punish the provider, and not the user.
So we arrest the drug dealer, but the drug user never gets punished.
Thereby guaranteeing somebody will always try to provide the service.

In addition, from a prosecution standpoint. It's easier to catch one employer, who hired 20 illegals, than it is to go after 20 illegals.
When you put it that way. ...?
How about something called evidence please. NOT from Breitfart, Owned, Fucked Snooze or some other such lying Reich Wing Rag. Actual evidence, beyond a reasonable doubt of non-citizens vote. Use a reliable, known news source. Evidence would be nice. NO REICH WING/MAGA MAGGOT SITES.
Uh huh. Illegals will deal drugs, rob, rape, and murder people. But they would never dream of voting in an election illegally for the candidate and party that wants to give them citizenship.
This thread and others like it are proof that Republicans are going to continue to lie about noncitizens voting in Federal elections.
That's because non-citizens aren't voting.

Non-citizens voting is another Republican lie.
Actually there is proof of non-citizens voting.
The problem is in the numbers they can prove, vs the numbers they would need to show that it would make any difference in an election.

When you need 50,000 illegal votes to change the outcome, and all you have is less than a dozen, they're going down a rabbit hole.
Uh huh. Illegals will deal drugs, rob, rape, and murder people. But they would never dream of voting in an election illegally for the candidate and party that wants to give them citizenship.
When they commit crimes they do so for highly motivating reasons that give an immediate return. You're thinking they would take the same risks, for a reward that has a remote chance, and even if it happens they won't see it for years.
I remember after the shrub was handed the WH by SCOTUS, Democrats were all about paper ballot and ReNaziKlans hated the idea. Trust the Poll Workers to do their job they said. Now, they are demanding paper ballots and telling out right lies about non-citizens voting.

Right now they know their boy is knee deep shit of his own doing. Harris is kicking his ass. She up or tied in poll in Swing States. Voter Registration among Women and Minorites is up over 100% over both 2016 and 2020 Elections. His running mate is even bigger misogynist than he is and that is hurting him. But if he replaces him with RFK, that would serve to destroy is campaign. He did this shit to himself.
I remember after the shrub was handed the WH by SCOTUS, Democrats were all about paper ballot and ReNaziKlans hated the idea. Trust the Poll Workers to do their job they said. Now, they are demanding paper ballots and telling out right lies about non-citizens voting.

Right now they know their boy is knee deep shit of his own doing. Harris is kicking his ass. She up or tied in poll in Swing States. Voter Registration among Women and Minorites is up over 100% over both 2016 and 2020 Elections. His running mate is even bigger misogynist than he is and that is hurting him. But if he replaces him with RFK, that would serve to destroy is campaign. He did this shit to himself.

It was awful that the actual winner of the Florida vote in 2000 was given the Florida electoral votes.
That's r
I remember after the shrub was handed the WH by SCOTUS, Democrats were all about paper ballot and ReNaziKlans hated the idea. Trust the Poll Workers to do their job they said. Now, they are demanding paper ballots and telling out right lies about non-citizens voting.

Right now they know their boy is knee deep shit of his own doing. Harris is kicking his ass. She up or tied in poll in Swing States. Voter Registration among Women and Minorites is up over 100% over both 2016 and 2020 Elections. His running mate is even bigger misogynist than he is and that is hurting him. But if he replaces him with RFK, that would serve to destroy is campaign. He did this shit to himself.
Yes I remember that too.
Of course… never vote do you ? You’ve arbitrarily listen to Fix News all day. You have no answer because you know the information require insures that are very few that even attempt it. You have to be batshit crazy to think an illegal who is trying to hide in the shadows with there identity would come out one day to commit a federal crime to cast one Fking vote. Only white republicans are being caught trying to commit organized voter fraud.,,
It will be fun to watch you lose your shit in November...
If you don't respond to a federal jury notice, you could be held in contempt of court and face consequences, including:
Fines: You could be fined up to $1,000
Imprisonment: You could be imprisoned for up to three days
Community service: You could be ordered to perform community service
Civil contempt conviction: You could have a civil contempt conviction on your record
Yea, for citizens. Does that apply to illegals? No it doesn’t. They would never charge an illegal for something they aren’t allowed to do. They certainly aren’t going to turn the illegal in to get deported, since the Biden regime has already made it policy they won’t deport illegals.
It was awful that the actual winner of the Florida vote in 2000 was given the Florida electoral votes.
Actually 2 out of 3 recount scenarios had Gore ahead by a couple of hundred votes. It was under the truncated recount that Bush remained ahead.
Yeah unfortunately the fact that it's illegal doesn't prevent anything. More is needed and most people agree with that.
Most illegal voting has been done by republicans. And voter ID laws don't address their method of voter fraud.
Yea, for citizens. Does that apply to illegals? No it doesn’t. They would never charge an illegal for something they aren’t allowed to do. They certainly aren’t going to turn the illegal in to get deported, since the Biden regime has already made it policy they won’t deport illegals.
It applies to every one who registers to vote. That's where the federal government gets their jury list from. And if an illegal registers to vote, at some point they can expect to get a federal jury duty notice, which if they don't respond to, can result in fines and jail time.

And i'm sure when they're hauling them into court, somebody would discover their illegal status, adding to their problems astronomically.

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