Kamala Harris first interview did not go well

Every time she says “we are going to invest in __________,” be it affordable houses, costs for newborns, families, affordable groceries, etc., what she really means is “we are going to forcibly take money from hard-working people who made good decisions and exercised discipline and responsibility and give it to people who did not.”

No one has suggested "price fixing". They said they would end "gouging".

Every business has "profit margins" - a percentage of markup from wholesale prices. As a banker, we had to parse financial statements to look at numerous factors over an above profit and loss. "Rate of turnover", "average collection periods" on receivables, and "profit margins". Grocery stores have raised their profit margins by 40% above costs, in the past two years.

Simply stated, if something cost $50.00 wholesale, and sells for $75.00 retail, that a 50% net profit margin. You made $25 above the cost of the goods. But if you raise prices to increase net profit margins by 40%, as grocery stores have done, raising the retail price to $85.00, now your making $35.00 on this item. And while the business was making money selling this product at $75, now you're making MORE money without doing anything whatsoever.

So if I simply increase my profit margins across my whole inventory, I'm making record profits for doing nothing. Computers make it easy to do. They'll do all of the calculations you need, and you just have to put new price stickers on the merchandise.

Conversely, to end price gouging, you don't "fix prices", you fix "profit margins". Your net profits should not exceed X% of costs. What the stores charge is still up to them, and if their wholesale costs increase, then they can raise prices accordingly, but they cannot raise profit margins.

Every industry has different profit margins. It's not a "one size fits all" item. So what your margins should be, change depending on the business.

This is a problem of the government's own making.

Here in the U.S. we have something called the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. The last time it was put to useful effect, was in the 80's when the government broke up MA BELL.

But the government did not do that for the customers, no. With new technologies, the deep state and establishment saw tremendous opportunities for profit if it broke up telcom, and deregulated the entire industry.

So what is the up-shot of "pricing regulation?" It is the government's solution for allowing industry to be consolidated. A government made solution, to a government created problem.


". . . The goal should be to produce more locally sourced food with shorter and less-centralized supply chains. Detroit offers an example. Over the past 50 years, food producers there have established more than 1,900 urban farms and gardens. A planned community-owned food co-op will serve the city’s North End, whose residents are predominantly low- and moderate-income and African American.

The federal government can help by adapting farm support programs to target farms and businesses that serve local and regional markets. State and federal incentives can build community- or cooperative-owned farms and processing and distribution businesses. Ventures like these could provide economic development opportunities while making the food system more resilient.

In our view, the best solutions will come from listening to and working with the people most affected: sustainable farmers, farm and food service workers, entrepreneurs and cooperators – and ultimately, the people whom they feed.. . . "

It is simply this. . . the Federal Government's revolving door and regulatory capture, by not safe guarding the free market, but instead acting as extensions of the international trade monopolies, have cause this by not doing their job and protecting the fee market in the first place.

That is the role, or was supposed to be, being the idea of limited government.

But instead, low IQ dolts like you, who don't understand how economics work, and how the free market it supposed to prevent this, instead, us a problem government has caused, to justify MOAR government intervention.

.. . . SO? Were it up to folks like you, we would government intervene our way into a totalitarian dystopia. Which does seem to be where government bureaucrats and pols, along with global corporations, all want to take us.

Thanks for being part of the problem! :thewave:

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