Democrats Call into C-SPAN and make points that I as a traditional Democrat admire. But what do these Democrats say about their party’s radical views?

Does your doctor know you are off your medications?

Oh, horseshit. If anything, the Democrats are more centrist than they were under FDR, LBJ, Jimmy Carter or Clinton.
That might be the most amusing statement made on this board today, Joey! Your candidate for President was ranked as the most liberal Senator when she was in the Senate...further to the left than even Bernie Sanders! That's "centrist"?
Really now.

How many times in the past 6 months have I tagged you in thread you were not even a part of?

The answer is zero.

Yet you do it to me all the time
Maybe fewer than I have tagged you

But if either of us is keeping count its not me

I choose not to ignore Americans who hope for the downfall of America so that they say they told us so
Maybe fewer than I have tagged you

I have never tagged you, thus it is far fewer than you.

I choose not to ignore Americans who hope for the downfall of America so that they say they told us so

Yet you are the one that puts party before country.

So, yeah again I am glad I have given your life purpose, it seems you need it

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