Do these Black democrat voters know the history of Planned Parenthood AND they are the largest users?

So if I say black people vote democrat, that’s racism, but if you say white people vote for trump, that’s a pejorative. ..
What? No, moron. If anyone says Trump voters are a cult that's a pejorative. If anyone believes 86% of black voters aren't making informed decisions that's simply racist paternalism.
That true. Your subjective opinion is based entirely on your own thoughts and not in any facts.
I never pretend my opinions are anything but.
I course, because you look for racism in everything. You use it as a weapon.
I do because it is as are shame, ridicule and guilt. Useful ones.
No, you said that. Is it not true that about 86% of the black vote goes to democrats? There has to be a reason for that.
Why hasnt it occured to you that those reasons are arrived at by an informed choice? Never-mind that one, it was rhetorical.
It has nothing to do with black people not being able to think, it’s because they’ve been misled by the democrats for all these years, and, that it’s partly because have been voting democrat en masse for a very long time.
And you know what's better for black voters than they do themselves?
We all make decisions based on influences around us. In this instance, that influence is the democrat party.

Explain this:

From the outside looking in I've always just thought Black Americans were better Christians than Republicans for having conservative beliefs but not wanting to force them on others.

This is suggesting that voting democrat is partly social pressure, in which black people are pressured into it by other black people, based on the idea that, it’s just what they have always done.
Except they haven't. Black voters used to be solidly Republican voters when Republicans were the liberal party. The social pressure isn't other black people, its in understanding political power can't rest in the hands of people who always vote to deny black people and marginalized communities equal rights. My family isn't black american. We came to this country in the 80s. We don't have generations of social pressure from friends or relatives to vote for the democratic party but it really doesn't take long to sus out who the fucking racists are. They'll tell you. Republican governors celebrating Confederates day on MLK jr. birthday might imagine they're being coy but we all, no matter where we are from, read that message load and clear.
So when I say it, it’s not racist, it’s just how it has been for a very long time. According to that last article, black culture expects you to vote democrat.
My Jamaican culture knew absolutely nothing about democrats verse Republicans. We taught this shit to ourselves.
I’d love it if we could break through those pressure and get more black people interested in the Republican Party, the problem is, if that ever happens, the rest of the black people call them a sellout, or Uncle Tom…etc..
I have black Republican family members. Two of them. No one cares. :laugh: They're extremely wealthy and love tax cuts and their kids are also incredibly wealthy and die hard progressives. So? That's some narrative you've been fed. Whenever you're denying black people the agency to make their own choices, even to be Republican, you're being paternalistic.
I only questioned why they target black communities when it comes to locations of abortion clinics. I agreed with you when you explained about black women having higher rates of at risk pregnancies, but what I said wasn’t about racism at all.
It's in the fact that you imagined simply putting abortion clinics in black neighborhoods would trick unwitting black women into having way more abortions which displays how little respect you have for us black people thinking for ourselves.
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