Remember the dread promised to us over it changing to the year 2000? Climate is the same.

That's lovely, but that gives absolutely no support to your claims. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, there had been no change to the sun's total irradiance or ocean's heat content. The ocean is NOT responsible for the observed warming and you have provided NO reason to think otherwise.
Sure it does. The ocean drives the climate of the planet because that's where the heat is stored.

You can't see it because you are blinded by politics.
Robert, you didn't answer. Who exactly are the "pigs" in your reference to "The Democrats and their pigs"?

If you're going to be a shit human, be upfront and proud about it. The only thing worse than a shit human is a cowardly shit human, and that's you.
Well, you for one.

Little piggy.
Sure it does. The ocean drives the climate of the planet because that's where the heat is stored.
And, as land temperatures warm, the oceans are still gaining heat at a record pace.

Just as AGW theory predicts.

And which disproves your fantasy "DERP! STORED HEAT IS COMING OUT OF THE OCEANS!" conspiracy theory. You're not just wrong, you're stupidly wrong.

It's so good to be on the rational side. Since reality always agrees with us, we don't have to humiliate ourselves making up dumb conspiracy theories. If reality ever disagrees with our theories, we change our theories.
Imagine had the disasters predicted by the Year 2000 Alarmists had really happened!!! They were positive Earth was in it's last days. They told us to buy and buy supplies so we would live.
Well what happened? Year 2000 was just another day.

We are supposed to be scared of climate. And you take alarmists like Al Gore. Al lives a life of luxury over climate dead end foretelling. Earth per him in the early 2000's was our spaceship to doom.

Here is more for us all to digest.

You F****** Moron.
The changeover to Y2K wasn't a problem BECAUSE everyone saw it coming and patched it.
It didn't happen.

But it IS Demonstrably getting Warmer since then culminating (so far) with 2023, the Hottest Year on Record and probably since the last interglacial 100,000+ years ago
And it's getting hotter Faster (with an Un-natural SPIKE) as we pour GHGs into the air.

You are too stupid to post/debate.


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