Blinken: Iran capable of producing fissile material in 'one or two weeks'

That's just western neo-con propaganda.
What propaganda? That more people leave Iran than are going back? I think you are being dishonest here.
Maybe the inevitability is WW3 the moment they do get that nuke. Stopping that from happening seems prudent. Besides, it might also be that the inevitability is that we turn Iran to glass the day they get their first nuke. :dunno:
Well, it would be good if one side in this war wouldn't just be the US, Israel, the Marshall Islands and Nauru.
oh----I did not know-----this hostage human barter system
seems to be a MUZZIE FAVE as favored as the random infant
throat slit and rape/mutilation HOLY DEEN. Imo---it is that
particular DEEN which is an important target over which civilized
I suspect it is way older than that. European armies would ransom European soldiers captured in battle. Putin is a great example of taking foreigners captive to trade for Russian captives.
I suspect it is way older than that. European armies would ransom European soldiers captured in battle. Putin is a great example of taking foreigners captive to trade for Russian captives.
re islam ----it goes all the way back to muhummad---which
does not suggest he invented it-----he INHERITED IT.
Ishmaelites have been into it since the mythological
re islam ----it goes all the way back to muhummad---which
does not suggest he invented it-----he INHERITED IT.
Ishmaelites have been into it since the mythological
An inheritance shared with Europeans, Chinese, Mongols, Native Americans, and others.
Im doubtful of that. I believe Israel will go to war with Iran before they allow them to have a nuke. It seems unlikely that they would have a nuke and Israel not know about it.
Iran has nuclear facilities deep under mountains and no doubt other facilities to survive should they act.
The people of Iran would suffer the destruction not those who caused it.
Just how many times have we heard in the past that Iran is weeks away from creating nuke?
Blinken is using fear to make his point. He's lying to us again.
An inheritance shared with Europeans, Chinese, Mongols, Native Americans, and others.
I know of no RANSOM issues amongst the Europeans,
Chinese, Mongols, Native Americans etc There were,
certainly ways of BUYING out of slavery by the chinese.
Ransoming enslaved people is a "thing" as far back
as the talmud----translated as "redeeming slaves" which
is a "good thing" ?? if you got some extra shekels lying
around. The current manifestation of HARVEST DOOR
TO DOOR and then create the market ----seems-----
innovative to me in the 21st century
It is a two way road. The mullahs regime also needs fear to stay in power.

Israel bought all their oil from Iran for decades. Tens of thousands of Jews lived in Persia for 2500 years.

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