Media Suppression - RNC and carpet bombing Gaza

The Israelis lived in Gaza after 1967 until they were driven out by the whining Palestinians--so they left and now you call it a refugee camp. Palestinians and HAMAS made it into a refugee camp. Refugee camps don't have high rise cities BTW. STFU, Gaza FAFO. Maybe they'll think the next time they climb in bed with terrorists.
Think for God's sake - you can't have a refugee camp without refugees.
Trump (The Duck King) has been conspicuously silent on that war because the people are still divided. But after elected he will quickly start to answer the important outstanding questions that are still not safe for him.

Particularly, the question on how he plans to convince Putin that it's safe to end that war.
Trump is often silent when asked a direct question, he thrives on ambiguity and vacuities. He won't commit to anything concrete, always speaks in platitudes not commitments.

He too is under the control of the Zionist lobby, they want him elected so that he can do their bidding and frustrates international law and order and enable the Zionists to go on the rampage all over the place.

What we see today is sadly nothing compared to what the Israelis want to do and will be enabled to do by Trump who has the principles of a snake.

Trump claims to be anti-war well he'll be very hard pressed - if elected - to maintain that stance once things ramp up and US bases start to get attacked by the many groups now operating in the region.

The United States enabling the Zionist state is a huge risk to Americans, Sept 11 was directly attributable to US support for Zionism, we should throw Israel under the bus, they've had plenty of opportunities to correct their behavior, so no more chances.

I do not think any EU member state would militarily support the United States for long, as for NATO that cannot be used to assist NATO, so at least that's a good thing.
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Maybe you need to quit living in ancient history. A war was fought over Gaza. Israel won. They took control and then magnanimously returned it to the Palestinians after many Israelis had populated and improved it with their own blood and sweat.
it is a colonizing regime, obsessed with territorial expansion even before the state came into existence.
This is unmitigated BS. Israel has never attacked a neighbor unless they were defending themselves.
To be surprised at Oct 7th is utterly indefensible..
Oct. 7th is utterly indefensible. Reap what you sow,.
What do you suggest I read?
Be cognizant of the events that happen in front of your own lying eyes and quit buying into propaganda.
How do you know that?
Common sense.
broaden your reading repertoire.
Negev is Israel. Quit reading propaganda.
You already made this claim, I asked for supporting documentation remember? you didn't have any, remember?

Read the zone 2 rules please, specifically:

You're getting stuck at the "back it up" step, if you can't back it up then it's assumed to be fake, bias, propaganda, the kind of tosh anyone can read in Weekly World News or whatever garbage you subscribe to.
If common sense escapes you thats not my fault

I have proven my point

Tunnels and rockets along with all the military equipment amassed on Gaza by Hamas cost a lot of money

Thats just simple logic
Please, please, no more idle boasts and fabrications, some sources you use to support your claims are what's needed now, not chatter and waffle.
There is no chatter and waffle--these are claims by the ignorant when they have been proven WRONG. Embrace peace. Return the hostages that have been terrorized for 10 months and denounce HAMAS.
Trump is often silent when asked a direct question, he thrives on ambiguity and vacuities. He won't commit to anything concrete, always speaks in platitudes not commitments.

He too is under the control of the Zionist lobby, they want him elected so that he can do their bidding and frustrates international law and order and enable the Zionists to go on the rampage all over the place.

What we see today is sadly nothing compared to what the Israelis want to do and will be enabled to do by Trump who has the principles of a snake.

Trump claims to be anti-war well he'll be very hard pressed - if elected - to maintain that stance once things ramp up and US bases start to get attacked by the many groups now operating in the region.

The United States enabling the Zionist state is a huge risk to Americans, Sept 11 was directly attributable to US support for Zionism, we should throw Israel under the bus, they've had plenty of opportunities to correct their behavior, so no more chances.

I do not think any EU member state would militarily support the United States for long, as for NATO that cannot be used to assist NATO, so at least that's a good thing.
I agree with you entirely, but not entirely with your last sentence. I don't believe that the establishment will ever allow Trump to disrupt the war against Russia.

No, the Nato countries have no real commitment to America's cause.

(I need to start paying closer attention to what you have to say.)
HAMAS made Gaza a refugee camp on Oct. 7.
No, it was already a refugee camp, most of the population were refugees decades before Oct 7th, some 80% of the population of Gaza were refugees before Oct 7th.

The Gaza Strip has a population of approximately 2.1 million people, including some 1.7 million Palestine Refugees. For at least the last decade and a half, the socioeconomic situation in Gaza has been in steady decline.

Source: UNRWA
I agree with you entirely, but not entirely with your last sentence. I don't believe that the establishment will ever allow Trump to disrupt the war against Russia.
I don't know, he has made almost a pledge to step away from that conflict, I have no idea how Europe will react if he does that.
my point is that Hamas wastes money on war instead of peace where its needed
The Palestinian freedom fighters that fight on behalf of Iran, have tried peace hundreds of times already. That doesn't work, but Iran is now onto something that will work. Iran has now become the holder of power in the ME, that used to belong to the Zionist regime.

The Duck King couldn't have missed the fact and so he's faced with the question on whether the Zionists can be saved if America attempts to eliminate Iran from the equation!

Or indeed, to the point, eliminate Russia and China ...............................
I don't know, he has made almost a pledge to step away from that conflict, I have no idea how Europe will react if he does that.
Yes, my last post sort of makes that point on the Zionist's conflict. He won't have any useful answers.
And as I suggested, the establishment won't permit him to mess with the war against Russia.
To the point, we can wrap this one up by saying: Russia and China have made Iran into the major military power in the ME.l

The Zionist regime can no longer strike with impunity.

And they're also now incapable of fighting against anybody other than women and children.

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