J.D Vance wants children to vote.

That would mean a married couple would have 2 votes. A few years later, after having a few kids, those now parents would control their own personal votes as well as an additional vote for each child. The concept of one person-one vote would no longer be valid. I don't know about you, but that sounds a little too extreme for anybody I could support for Vice President.
When Democrats spout of about democracy, at least here in America and not your Canada, they want more votes cast.
Is this a Democracy right now. If you pass a law forcing everybody to vote, which Democrats no doubt want to happen, you get a true Democracy doing that so long as the party voting understands voting. Children under a particular age are unlikely to be able to vote their will.

But America, the USA at least, is not a democracy.
It looks a lot more like Europe when you consider they have countries and we have states. States are very important to the citizens. More important by far than those jerks running DC are.
Democrats wanted to do the same thing.

125 Democrats and 1 Republican Vote to Lower Voting Age to 16​

125 Democrats and 1 Republican Vote to Lower Voting Age to 16
the 16 year old brain is not fully developed-----neuroscience is
my field----but I knew that even way back in the ninth grade (freshman high school) The major concerns of my classmates
in CANDID HEALTH CLASS DISCUSSION was---"my mom does not
let me get my ears pierced---that bitch" " can't wait until I am 18
and can DRINK upstate" (upstate was a different state---drinking age 18 and our state 21) and "my mom does not know I smoke and my allowance is NOT ENOUGH" those kids should VOTE?

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