Why do Democrats want Biden gone and we want Trump back?

Biden and Trump are old. Trump couldn't beat someone younger, decent and intelligent.

Then why does every other hypothetical Democrat candidate poll worse than Biden against Trump according to the new Emerson poll released yesterday?

Wrong as usual, bucko.

Why do Democrats want Biden gone and we want Trump back?​

Because Biden is a useless, sponging lump of shit who has been nothing but dead weight around Washington's neck for 60 years while Trump is what Americans have been asking for all these years in lieu of just another Washington pressed suit like Joe Biden?

Joe served his purpose--- he was the convenient empty bobble-head to fill a position back in 2020 they needed just to fill a role in an election with a predetermined, fixed outcome.
Because Biden is a useless, sponging lump of shit who has been nothing but dead weight around Washington's neck for 60 years while Trump is what Americans have been asking for all these years in lieu of just another Washington pressed suit like Joe Biden?

Joe served his purpose--- he was the convenient empty bobble-head to fill a position back in 2020 they needed just to fill a role in an election with a predetermined, fixed outcome.

Ding ding ding
So Trumpsters really don't understand this?

Amazing Mac how you always pretend to understand everything and have a heads-up over the rest of the country while never demonstrating that you really understand anything.

In many ways, you share a lot of characteristics with that Thomas Crooks kid--- he thought he had all the answers and knew better than the rest, too.
Because Biden is a useless, sponging lump of shit who has been nothing but dead weight around Washington's neck for 60 years while Trump is what Americans have been asking for all these years in lieu of just another Washington pressed suit like Joe Biden?

Joe served his purpose--- he was the convenient empty bobble-head to fill a position back in 2020 they needed just to fill a role in an election with a predetermined, fixed outcome.

Trump has always LOST the popular vote. He doesn't represent Americans.

But keep spinning your bullshit, doesntknowanythingabouttoobsfreak.
They just want to win, and Biden is clearly too old.

Well, add to that, they're not into blind, creepy hero worship like MAGA.

This ain't rocket science.
Demi rats denied he was old and dementia laden. They only changed their tune when americas finally got tired of the scam.
Better question - Why do you retards want a convicted criminal felon who lost the last election?

Oh wait… I answered my own question. Because you are retards.

Ok, never mind.
Before the dust settles, Trump will be totally cleared of any supposedly crime. Bear in mind how Biden got away with having thousands of classified documents in his own garage.

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