Do Trump supporter's believe his claim that Biden wanted to "take out" Trump?

No wonder the Trump suppoeters will be rioting in the streets when he loses in November. How far will they go?
Why do you people forget the riots all over America after Hillary lost?
You act like your side does not dispute elections or riot when you don't get your way.

I will cautiously believe the claim that language about use of deadly force is included in all search warrants. It makes more sense then that they would not seek a search warrant for the Biden residence, but instead give him several days warning and a chance to visit the location prior to the search.

Maybe he wanted to tidy the place up a bit, make sure there's not stray pubic hairs on the guest toilet, that sort of thing.

If it is true that every search warrant authorizes deadly force, then maybe it is time to rethink that. Police have gotten far to interested in making every interaction a scene in an action-adventure movie.

But, specifically, this warrant was obtained by the DOJ/FBI against a political opponent. A smarter group of people would have realized that the warrant would be scrutinized and taken that language out. So, I don't feel bad if their little feeling are wounded because they are so misunderstood.

After all, it was not Trump specifically that they intended to use deadly force on, just anyone who does not immediately comply with their SWAT style raids.
As much as I want to believe that Biden would want to "eliminate" his opponent - Trump, I don't believe he had anything to do with what happened last Saturday.

Sure, it would be so easy to just "assume" that since both Biden and Trump don't like each other, I don't think it was the cause for it. There is absolutely no proof stating that Biden wanted to have Trump killed -or at least, shot at.

However, the Democrats are desperate! They are afraid - as they should be - that Trump stands in their way. They are afraid that if he (Trump) becomes President again, the Republicans will very much take the House and Senate once again. He (Biden) won't have that, and he - as much of a cognitive of a decline he is - will vow to stay in the race, and fight it out. Even though, he really has no choice - but to step aside (when that time arrives). He knows his days are numbered. He may as well, just hand Trump the "keys to the White House" and be done with.
Biden has the best chance of beating Trump as compared to other Republicans considewred.
Biden has become like Trump. He is putting himself first. It is all about him.

Democrats only hope is to have a new candidate.

But if Biden stays in, his only hope would be against Trump. Haley would beat Biden soundly.
Why do you people forget the riots all over America after Hillary lost?
You act like your side does not dispute elections or riot when you don't get your way.

No comparison to Jan 6th

You asked the question, so receive the answer.

Yes, Trump is telling the truth 100%. Biden tried to have federal agents murder him coming into his home with weapons drawn. They did not have weapons drawn with others. At other's homes agents were given stand down orders. You asked this particular question under false pretenses of trying to prove Trump wrong, but he is absolutely right.
The instructions of the use of weapons was the same for the raid on Trump, Biden and Pence.

You don't hear Pence or Biden crying that the FBI was out to kill them.
Of course, they believe it was true. If I believed even half of the crazy stories that trump and his MAGA cult spreads, I would probably be ready for revolution too.
Say dumbass, I don't believe it necessarily, but when u assholes led by Biden cry wolf everyday with your lies about trumps threat to country, expect someone with bigger balls than yours to play hero. Cause and effect. Dont think much into it, you're democracked.

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