Do Trump supporter's believe his claim that Biden wanted to "take out" Trump?

Trump's ear was hit by a bullet.

The whole world knows it.

Idiots, like you, continue to spew the lie it was a piece of glass.
So how do you know that. A bullet would have probably taken the entire ear. We don't even know if it took any stitches. A quick swab with disinfectant and a Band-Aid might have all that was needed. RELEASE THE MEDICAL REPORT!
Of course, they believe it was true. If I believed even half of the crazy stories that trump and his MAGA cult spreads, I would probably be ready for revolution too.
How many of these hoaxes do you still believe?
No doubt an assassination attempt was made and that is extremely disturbing. I suppose he could have been shot, or it could have been just a shard of glass from the teleprompter that was hit. Also, why won't they release the medical report that describes how badly the ear was damaged? How many stitches did it take? Will it take plastic surgery to repair, or was it just a scratch, and the large bandage is just a prop for sympathy? We know trump has never shied away from exaggeration.
The White House said releasing medical reports was a national security risk

He was shot in the head, by a would be assasine, days after xiden told his people to put him in the bullseye
So how do you know that. A bullet would have probably taken the entire ear. We don't even know if it took any stitches. A quick swab with disinfectant and a Band-Aid might have all that was needed. RELEASE THE MEDICAL REPORT!
Ummm, because a doctor said so.


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