Zone1 I am stepping away from Judaism

Could be. Perhaps that’s why there are so few of us left and we are so hated? Maybe it’s time to take a stand. You would not understand.
.Running from who you are won't change anyone's opinion of "you" because you will always be a "Jew."

True Christians are promised a life of persecution too. I know it is only going to get worse. I refuse to renounce the one who suffered for my sins. This life is SO short, then we meet our Maker.
^^ wow. We knew the demonic Rabbi would show up. Here he is telling the guy to off himself.

Ladies and Gentlemen, a “Jewish Rabbi”.
To off himself. Wow! You are pretty dark. I'm simply pointing to an extension of logic. Does your mind always go to violence? That's sad.
.Running from who you are won't change anyone's opinion of "you" because you will always be a "Jew."

True Christians are promised a life of persecution too. I know it is only going to get worse. I refuse to renounce the one who suffered for my sins. This life is SO short, then we meet our Maker.
This isn’t a spiritual thread

I am one of the original MAGAs
Okay. But nevertheless, your decision is strange for me. If the main reason was safety of your family, then I could understand that. But if that is only because some bags with brown substance inside are Jewish, then it is somewhat awkward. To be honest entirely, the Jews have not too great reputation in many places of Earth. But somehow you lived with that so far.
Okay. But nevertheless, your decision is strange for me. If the main reason was safety of your family, then I could understand that. But if that is only because some bags with brown substance inside are Jewish, then it is somewhat awkward. To be honest entirely, the Jews have not too great reputation in many places of Earth. But somehow you lived with that so far.
I cannot abide the likes of Schiff. Not worth putting my family in harms way. Democrats have gone full evil
I cannot abide the likes of Schiff. Not worth putting my family in harms way. Democrats have gone full evil
If you get to call yourself a Russian instead of a Jew, Schiff and evil Democrats won't dissolve in thin air.

If it is for your family's safety, then I understand. But it is really sad, if things really turned this way in the US.
If you get to call yourself a Russian instead of a Jew, Schiff and evil Democrats won't dissolve in thin air.

If it is for your family's safety, then I understand. But it is really sad, if things really turned this way in the US.
They did. My kids won’t be going to college unless it’s below the Mason Dixon line. Northern schools have shown their true colors
You are comfortable calling yourself Russian because no Russian has done anything wrong. Got it.
I have been posting here but rarely. I even walked away for a while. Recent events have made me understand my culture and faith on a higher level. I am a Jew, a son of parents whose parents fought the Nazis in the old Soviet Union. I lost a vast amount of my ancestors to WW2 and the Holocaust. There are very few of us left in the world. The vitriol against Jews remains high. With my kids ready for college, I cannot have them be under fire because of the hatred. We saw on our college campuses how most colleges took the side of protesters and even told Jewish students to study remotely. They cancelled graduations. They appeased those who would call for the end of Israel and for blatant antisemitism.

What unified both the far left and far right is their hatred of Jews. I get it form the Left. They see Jews as wealthy oppressors and white. That to them means evil. I see it from the Nazi alt right too. They want Hitler to finish what he started. What was troubling is that the moderates began to hate too.


Then it came to me. We bring this upon ourselves. People like Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Chuck Schumer, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Alejandro Mayorkas (yes he is a Jew), etc.

Let’s take Schiff for example. He bashed Hur for calling Biden a senile old man only to now ask Biden to step down because, well he is a senile old man. Why? Their lies were exposed. Schiff always knew this but lied to the American people. This feeds into the hateful narrative that Jews are deceitful.

Many, hell most Jews still vote Democrat despite the party overtly telling us they don’t want our vote just our money.

The faith is no longer with me. I ll pretend while my parents are still here. But once they are gone, so goes my faith and allegiance to Judaism. Same for my kids.

We are all walking away.

I share this here because despite all the hate this site has, it also has honesty and I respect that.

Writing this will likely result in some posts slamming me. And that’s fine. Actually therapeutic. In the end while I despise low life antisemites, I have to admit that I despise Democrat Jews equally.

Its time to leave the faith.

Thank you for reading.
Dude, don't leave your faith, wtf?!

Yeah, I got nothing else. Yeah, I'm teh Goy "Christian", but don't leave your faith dude.

Your people depend on you to not. The good ones.

Did all that really happen in America on college campuses? :ack-1:
They did. My kids won’t be going to college unless it’s below the Mason Dixon line. Northern schools have shown their true colors
Well, then it is up to you to decide. If your family supports this decision, then who can forbid you.
Dude, don't leave your faith, wtf?!

Yeah, I got nothing else. Yeah, I'm teh Goy "Christian", but don't leave your faith dude.

Your people depend on you to not. The good ones.

Did all that really happen in America on college campuses? :ack-1:
It all happened. Colleges took the side of Hamas over Jews
It all happened. Colleges took the side of Hamas over Jews
Good Lord that's evil. Nothing like that would have been fathomable when I was in college.

The only hope is God at this point. Well, unless they get too out of hand, and then men will have to gird their loins and fight.

Government or not, right is right and wrong is wrong, and most people know what those things are because God

imprinted it upon their hearts.

Probably not these Pavlovian indoctrinated New Red Guard reactionaries. Wow. :(
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