Remember the dread promised to us over it changing to the year 2000? Climate is the same.

The majority of heat from the sun is stored in the oceans. You think the ocean being heated by the sun doesn't warm the planet? The vast majority of earth's heat is stored in the oceans.
How can you not see your failing here? WHAT is causing the Earth's temperature to INCREASE?
It doesn't disprove what I am saying.
There are no proofs in the natural sciences.
It proves what I am saying.
No, it does not and you look like a complete imbecile claiming that it does. Why do you continue to take this abuse?
The ocean is like a massive solar panel storing energy.
And it has since the ocean first formed. How does that suddenly drive the temperature upward? What do you believe happened at the same time as the Industrial Revolution that began pushing out temperatures upward?
The sun heats the ocean, the ocean stores the heat and distributes the heat throughout the planet.
Of course it does, on a smaller scale. The surface of the ocean absolutely cools a bit at night. This is basic stuff, so naturally you fail at it.

You keep tossing out bits of trivia you learned, as if they mean something. They don't. Your logic train is something like "The earth is round, therefore a warp drive exists, and anyone who disagrees is in a cult". Your premises, though correct, have nothing to do with the deranged conclusions you draw.

If you want to hang with the grownups, you have to act like a grownup. No more evasions.

State exactly what your point is, in clear and direct language.

If you're not brave enough to do that, nobody should waste time on you.
The ocean containing 1000 times more heat than the atmosphere is not trivial. It's a fundamental element of the science of the climate of the planet.

And the cooling of the ocean at night compared to the air cooling at night is relatively nil. The ocean STORES the heat from the sun. Water is an excellent conductor of heat whereas air is a poor conductor of heat. This isn't trivial either. It is a fundamental element of the science of the climate of the planet.

The planet is warming because the ocean is warming. The atmosphere does not store heat, the ocean does. The atmosphere impedes the flow of heat from the earth to outerspace. The ocean stores heat and distributes heat. Which is why the currents affect the climate of the planet.
How can you not see your failing here? WHAT is causing the Earth's temperature to INCREASE?
The sun warming the ocean which stores the heat and distributes the heat. And it will continue to warm until density changes due to salinity changes and thermal expansion coupled with wind pattern changes triggers the next glacial period by disrupting the heat flow from the Atlantic to the Arctic. At which time the negative feedback from extensive NH continental glaciation affects the entire planet like it has been doing for the last 3 million years.
And it has since the ocean first formed. How does that suddenly drive the temperature upward? What do you believe happened at the same time as the Industrial Revolution that began pushing out temperatures upward?
The span of heating is about 150 years and the rise is very tiny. When you step outside when it is 1.5 degrees warmer that AM, you don't pay it a bit of attention. Why you pay it such deep attention is what puzzles we who debate you.
There are no proofs in the natural sciences.
Says the guy who is positive that man's CO2 emissions will lead to catastrophic warming.

These are my proofs.
  1. The ocean stores the majority of heat from the sun
  2. The ocean holds 1000 times more heat than the atmosphere
  3. The ocean distributes that heat to the rest of the globe
  4. Without ocean currents the polar regions would be colder and the equator would be hotter such that much of the planet would be inhospitable for life
  5. Ocean currents are affected by density (salinity and thermal expansion) and wind.
  6. Wind patterns are affected by the sun
  7. If heat circulation from the Atlantic to the Arctic were disrupted it would lead to catastrophic cooling
No, it does not and you look like a complete imbecile claiming that it does. Why do you continue to take this abuse?
I see it the other way around.

Which if these do you disagree with?

  1. The ocean stores the majority of heat from the sun
  2. The ocean holds 1000 times more heat than the atmosphere
  3. The ocean distributes that heat to the rest of the globe
  4. Without ocean currents the polar regions would be colder and the equator would be hotter such that much of the planet would be inhospitable for life
  5. Ocean currents are affected by density (salinity and thermal expansion) and wind.
  6. Wind patterns are affected by the sun
  7. If heat circulation from the Atlantic to the Arctic were disrupted it would lead to catastrophic cooling
And it has since the ocean first formed. How does that suddenly drive the temperature upward? What do you believe happened at the same time as the Industrial Revolution that began pushing out temperatures upward?
It has always worked this way but the recent warming trend is just a continuation of the interglacial period that began about 20,000 years ago.

As I have said dozens of times the most the incremental surface temperature can rise from an incremental 120 ppm of CO2 is 0.5C with the expected value of 0.22 C. The rest of the warming is natural and will continue to warm until the ocean current changes like it has for the past 3 million years for the 30 or so glacial cycles that have occurred since the ice age (bipolar glaciation) began.
It's the ocean that is responsible for the planet warming because it's the ocean that stores the heat from the sun. That's the so the fuck what.
You make a fucking rock look smart.

How many times have I asked you what changed in the oceans to cause the observed warming? Ten times? Twenty times? And how many times have you answered me? Zero? Yes, ZERO times.

Another Ding mistake.

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