Let's talk about the oft repeated phrase "a threat to democracy" we believe trump presents.

I listened to the entire meeting with the Georgia officials. I challenge any libtard here to tell me where the crime occurred. Bring it, tards. I will crush you!
Read the indictment. I think there is something in it about the corruption of a public official, among other things, but I haven't read it in a while.
They are asking him to step down because polls indicate he won't win.
so if a democratically nominated person isn't leading in the polls the dem leaders should ignore the millions of voters that voted for him and install someone they think has a better chance of winning ? why have primaries at all eh ?
If there is sufficient evidence that a grand jury finds is reason enough to vote to indict I have no issue with a Democrat being prosecuted. Like Sen. Menendez for example.
That's the only way for any of Trump's detractors be prosecuted.

So . . . you have no issue if the Trump DOJ prosecutes Trump adversaries?
so if a democratically nominated person isn't leading in the polls the dem leaders should ignore the millions of voters that voted for him and install someone they think has a better chance of winning ? why have primaries at all eh ?
Wrong again. It's up to Joe. Enough already with the false analogy.
They are asking him to step down because polls indicate he won't win.
Which would disenfranchise every primary voter who voted for him. There is no "but only if he can win" disclaimer on primary ballots.

Marener, how angry are you at Democrats who want to disenfranchise those voters?
Wrong again. It's up to Joe. Enough already with the false analogy.
Hollywood elites , billionaire donors and dem leaders are trying to force him out because he's losing .. that's like republican leaders trying to disenfranchise the millions of voters that voted for Trump in the primaries and installing Haley because she polls better against Biden .. no pall ... its disenfranchisement .
tell us why he is he behind in the polls .
His age, his debate performance, and a constant drumbeat of lies from RWM about the state of the nation. Most importantly about his responsibility for inflation, a global issue.
Hollywood elites , billionaire donors and dem leaders are trying to force him out because he's losing .. that's like republican leaders trying to disenfranchise the millions of voters that voted for Trump in the primaries and installing Haley because she polls better against Biden .. no pall ... its disenfranchisement .
You are welcome to your fatuous opinion.
His age, his debate performance, and a constant drumbeat of lies from RWM about the state of the nation. Most importantly about his responsibility for inflation, a global issue.
but... but... he's sharp as a tack and energetic ! his staff cant keep up with him ! that's what the lefts been saying for yrs ! :auiqs.jpg: its his policies that make him unpopular ! FDR was in poor health and was still very popular .

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