Remember the dread promised to us over it changing to the year 2000? Climate is the same.

That Milankovitch has nothing to do with glacial cycles, that those cycles are somehow driven by ocean currents and that there is no AGW but that the current observed warming is just part of the glacial cycle. Everything else you've brought up has been in attempt to support those two claims. Unfortunately, they do no such thing.

Going through your list:

Yes the ocean contains more thermal energy than does the atmosphere. It always has and always will.

Ocean currents move heat around the planet. So does the atmosphere. I would not call it a distribution.

The slowing of the AMOC will cause warming in equatorial regions and cooling in higher latitudes. The Gulf Stream and it's analogs in all the other basins is driven by Coriolis. They will not stop no matter what happens to global temperatures. They will simply no longer feed and be fed by the AMOC.

Density has almost no effect on horizontal movement of water. Thermohaline circulation is driven by high density water sinking at the poles. Density has no impact on the ocean's various gyres.

So, you began with claims with which NO scientists agree and then attempted to support them with a scattering of factoids you looked up that you poorly understand but that you think sound as if they're related. However, in fact, they provide no support whatsoever for your idiotic contentions.
Do you agree that...

Water has a much higher heat capacity than air, meaning the oceans can absorb larger amounts of heat energy with only a slight increase in temperature.

That Milankovitch has nothing to do with glacial cycles, that those cycles are somehow driven by ocean currents and that there is no AGW but that the current observed warming is just part of the glacial cycle. Everything else you've brought up has been in attempt to support those two claims. Unfortunately, they do no such thing.

Going through your list:

Yes the ocean contains more thermal energy than does the atmosphere. It always has and always will.

Ocean currents move heat around the planet. So does the atmosphere. I would not call it a distribution.

The slowing of the AMOC will cause warming in equatorial regions and cooling in higher latitudes. The Gulf Stream and it's analogs in all the other basins is driven by Coriolis. They will not stop no matter what happens to global temperatures. They will simply no longer feed and be fed by the AMOC.

Density has almost no effect on horizontal movement of water. Thermohaline circulation is driven by high density water sinking at the poles. Density has no impact on the ocean's various gyres.

So, you began with claims with which NO scientists agree and then attempted to support them with a scattering of factoids you looked up that you poorly understand but that you think sound as if they're related. However, in fact, they provide no support whatsoever for your idiotic contentions.
Do you agree that if the ocean currents changed that it would affect the climate of the planet?
That Milankovitch has nothing to do with glacial cycles, that those cycles are somehow driven by ocean currents and that there is no AGW but that the current observed warming is just part of the glacial cycle. Everything else you've brought up has been in attempt to support those two claims. Unfortunately, they do no such thing.

Going through your list:

Yes the ocean contains more thermal energy than does the atmosphere. It always has and always will.

Ocean currents move heat around the planet. So does the atmosphere. I would not call it a distribution.

The slowing of the AMOC will cause warming in equatorial regions and cooling in higher latitudes. The Gulf Stream and it's analogs in all the other basins is driven by Coriolis. They will not stop no matter what happens to global temperatures. They will simply no longer feed and be fed by the AMOC.

Density has almost no effect on horizontal movement of water. Thermohaline circulation is driven by high density water sinking at the poles. Density has no impact on the ocean's various gyres.

So, you began with claims with which NO scientists agree and then attempted to support them with a scattering of factoids you looked up that you poorly understand but that you think sound as if they're related. However, in fact, they provide no support whatsoever for your idiotic contentions.
Do you agree that the ocean holds 1000 times more heat than the atmosphere?
Do you agree that the ocean holds 1000 times more heat than the atmosphere?
Roughly. Do you agree that published science all supports what I've been saying and NONE of it supports what you've been saying?
Roughly. Do you agree that published science all supports what I've been saying and NONE of it supports what you've been saying?
No. I don't agree.

I agree that you have agreed with the following statements.

  1. The ocean stores the majority of heat from the sun
  2. The ocean holds 1000 times more heat than the atmosphere
  3. The ocean distributes that heat to the rest of the globe
  4. Without ocean currents the polar regions would be colder and the equator would be hotter such that much of the planet would be inhospitable for life
  5. Ocean currents are affected by density (salinity and thermal expansion) and wind.
  6. Wind patterns are affected by the sun
  7. If the ocean currents change it would affect the climate of the planet
Robert, 99 out of every 100 climate scientists accept that the world is getting warmer and that the primary cause is human CO2 emissions. Only ONE out of every 100 climate scientists believe otherwise. What possible reason do you have to go with such a tiny minority?
Honestly Crick, I do not believe your remarks. Are you done cooling earth? If you are not cooling Earth when will you do this for us all to survive?
Roughly. Do you agree that published science all supports what I've been saying and NONE of it supports what you've been saying?
We feel really bad for you Crick. I want to ask this question for you to reply. Do you cool earth? If not, when will you put a chill on this planet?
I was working for RCA Government Services at the time and we found many pieces of critical software that had to be fixed before 2000 arrives. I think that was true worldwide. The news media, always fond of increasing their sales, likely overstated the severity of the problem but the only harm would have been the handful of nutcases who thought the world was going to come to an end. If it precluded my tax refund from getting back on time or my paychecks from getting cut, I will put up with the nutcases acting out.
For about a year, the nut cases were all over the internet telling horror stories about the year 2000. I did my best to calm them down believing our smart programmers would fix all of it.

Damned if I was totally correct.
Robert, you didn't answer. Who exactly are the "pigs" in your reference to "The Democrats and their pigs"?

If you're going to be a shit human, be upfront and proud about it. The only thing worse than a shit human is a cowardly shit human, and that's you.
I remember the Y2K hysteria as being on both sides

But the man-made global warming disaster hoax is entirely lib democrat

And its wasting billions of dollars
I remember the Y2K hysteria as being on both sides
You're claiming doomsday preppers aren't mostly conservatives? And you expect to be taken seriously?
But the man-made global warming disaster hoax is entirely lib democrat
We were right about, well, every single thing.

Your clown cult has gotten every single thing wrong for over 40 years now.

We do so enjoy rubbing that in your faces.
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The majority of heat from the sun is stored in the oceans.
So? What does that have to do with the fact that CO2 is causing a warming climate?

You think the ocean being heated by the sun doesn't warm the planet?
No, I don't. I've never said or implied such a thing.

If you can't argue against what I actually say, just admit it. Evading by making up stories about what I supposedly believe just makes you look cowardly.

It doesn't disprove what I am saying. It proves what I am saying. The ocean is like a massive solar panel storing energy. The sun heats the ocean, the ocean stores the heat and distributes the heat throughout the planet.
And nobody ever said you were wrong about that. English, learn it.

What we keep saying, in words small enough that a second grader could understand, is that your theory of magical hidden heat rising out of the oceans, as the sun is cooling, to cause the current fast warming is wrong, because the hard data says it's wrong. For your theory to be right, the oceans would have to be losing heat. The oceans are gaining heat, even faster than the land, therefore your theory is wrong, and no evasions or rivers of tears from you will change that.

You do realize that air temperature warms up during the day when the sun is shining and then cools down at night when the sun isn't shining, right? That's not what happens to the ocean.

Of course it does, on a smaller scale. The surface of the ocean absolutely cools a bit at night. This is basic stuff, so naturally you fail at it.

You keep tossing out bits of trivia you learned, as if they mean something. They don't. Your logic train is something like "The earth is round, therefore a warp drive exists, and anyone who disagrees is in a cult". Your premises, though correct, have nothing to do with the deranged conclusions you draw.

If you want to hang with the grownups, you have to act like a grownup. No more evasions.

State exactly what your point is, in clear and direct language.

If you're not brave enough to do that, nobody should waste time on you.
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Honestly Crick, I do not believe your remarks. Are you done cooling earth? If you are not cooling Earth when will you do this for us all to survive?
Let me know what you have something to say worth my attention.
For about a year, the nut cases were all over the internet telling horror stories about the year 2000. I did my best to calm them down believing our smart programmers would fix all of it.

Damned if I was totally correct.
I never saw any panic. Did you?
So? What does that have to do with the fact that CO2 is causing a warming climate?
That it's not. At least it isn't the leading cause. The most it can be is 0.5 C with an expected value of 0.22C. Their error is in assuming all warming is due to CO2.
No, I don't. I've never said or implied such a thing.

If you can't argue against what I actually say, just admit it. Evading by making up stories about what I supposedly believe just makes you look cowardly.
Great, Then why do you dismiss the natural warming of the ocean as a cause for rising temperatures?
I never saw any panic. Did you?
At the time I saw a lot of it on a AOL forum. They beat the drums daily telling us to buy a lot of food and things like Batteries. To construct shelters. Where were you posting when this happened?
And nobody ever said you were wrong about that. English, learn it.

What we keep saying, in words small enough that a second grader could understand, is that your theory of magical hidden heat rising out of the oceans, as the sun is cooling, to cause the current fast warming is wrong, because the hard data says it's wrong. For your theory to be right, the oceans would have to be losing heat. The oceans are gaining heat, even faster than the land, therefore your theory is wrong, and no evasions or rivers of tears from you will change that.
How can the ocean absorbing the majority of heat from the sun, storing it and then distributing it across the globe not be a source of natural warming?
I remember the Y2K hysteria as being on both sides

But the man-made global warming disaster hoax is entirely lib democrat

And its wasting billions of dollars
At the time you are correct and I did not pin the blame on Democrats. Warming the planet nonsense I do pin on Democrats.
How can the ocean absorbing the majority of heat from the sun, storing it and then distributing it across the globe not be a source of natural warming?
They told us the Great Barrier Reef of Australia was doomed. Well it is getting well fast and they now drop that claim.

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