How long until the Climate Cult re-appears, now that there's hot weather?

The board. All posts that are not DM's are addressed to the Board unless one designates in the title, for example, "Crick...." Do you understand?
So, forgive me for asking, but the bulk of your post's content had zero to do with the thread topic or any other posts in the thread, as far as I could see.
Do a rain dance! Pray to Manitou!

People should stop thinking they can change the weather. But that's hard. After all primitive people did rain dances.
The discussion does not concern changing the weather but to cease affecting the climate.
In ancient times there were pantheons of G-d's, and fables, myths, and books to go with them.
Scrolls, not books.
The most famous of these were the Greek myths, and full length books such as the Odyssey and the Iliad.
The Illiad and the Odyssey were both epic poems, not books.
Norse sagas earn honorable mention.
Very few of the Norse sagas involved their gods.
The Bible is a hybrid, aching to stretch towards modern ethics (chiefly in Leviticus and Deuteronomy), but with a healthy dose of the supernatural mixed in.
The New Testament made an effort to "stretch towards" more modern ethics than will be found in the OT. Leviticus and Deuteronomy were both the epitome of old world ethics without a trace of modern thought.
While I am a firm believer in my Jewish faith, it takes a healthy suspension of disbelief to take literally certain events. The stories of the giving of the Commandments at Mount Sinai, the parting of the Red Sea, the burning bush and the story of Noah's Ark are but a few of those.
It takes a healthy suspenstion of disbelief to accept any tale of the supernatural as factual.
Man, put simply, had a need to understand and attempt to control events before which he was helpless. This included disasters such as massive floods in a desert climate (story of Noah), massive storms at sea (Jonah, and The Odyssey), and lightening storms (the story of the giving of the Ten Commandments). This list of stories of ancient vintage is by no means exhaustive. Ancient man was at the mercy of the elements and knew it. In Medieval times, disasters such as the spread of smallpox and bubonic plague took front and center. There were efforts to blame those catastrophes on disfavored groups such as the Jews. This was strikingly similar to the post-Mao attribution of earthquakes to the "Gang of Four" which included Mao's despised wife.
What do you mean "disasters... took front and center"? The Gang of Four was four, specific individuals who were held responsible for the failures of Mao's Cultural Revolution. The Jews were a large, dispersed community blamed by Catholics and Protestants for the crucifixion and their rejection of Jesus as a divinity. There is no striking similarity.
Modern man believes he can control his environment and is traumatized when he cannot.
If by environment, you mean to include the weather or the climate, then this statement is false.
My childhood in the early 1960's was interspersed with "duck and cover" civil defense drills.
Civil defense drills were not held in response to any threat from the environment.
Apartment buildings and schools, and office buildings had "fallout shelter" signs. This was pure theater of course. If there were a full-scale nuclear bloodbath there would not have been years of stockpiled food and potable water. Yet it was an effort to make the fear and panic more bearable.
But this has nothing to do with the environment or its control.
Similarly after the 9-11 attacks we willingly waited, and still wait in long security lines at airports and office buildings, as if that will make us safe from the sick minds that devise such evil attacks. We are generals fighting the last war. Psychology compels us to "do something" even if it is objectively futile.
The number of airplane hijackings, world wide, since 9/11, has plummetted. In six of those years there were none. So those measures, it seems, WERE objectively effective.
History repeated both Biblical and modern events with Covid.
What was repeated? A pandemic? Epidemics and pandemics have been taking place since before our species appeared. There is nothing meaningful about it. It is simply the constant evolutionary battle for resources; our immunity versus the infectious capacity of microbes
Another example is "climate change."
Example of what, specifically?
We grasp for explanations of devastating meteorological events such a massive hurricanes striking populated areas, or drought-fueled fires.
Anthropogenic global warming was not an answer to devastating meteorological events. It is an answer to global warming and unchecked human GHG emissions. The idea that emitting CO2 into the atmosphere would cause the planet to warm first appeared in 1856 in the work of Eunice Newton Foote
Events such as the St. Croix Hurricane of 1772 (dispute as to whether it was August 31 or September 14), but one way or another paved way for Alexander Hamilton to wind up in New York, and the Year Without Summer of 1816, see 200 years ago, we endured a 'year without a summer', are examples of overwhelming events that occurred long ago, before carbon emissions. Yet we seek to control these events, as if we could.
AGW theory makes absolutely no claim that severe weather only took place after the Indstrial Revolution. And the suggestion that man could not be responsible for warming because it has happened before we appeared is a complete logical failure.
Basically, this harks back to the worship of the rain gods, Manitou, Great Spirit, Athena, Zeus and their less primitive Abrahamic successors. People feel a need to be in control, even when they are not. Nature is just too overwhelming.
AGW theory does NOT harken back to any form of worship. It is the product of modern science conducted by thousands of scientsts from every nation (and every religion and every political persuasion) on the planet, supported by enormous amounts of empirical and theoretical evidence. It has nothing to do with being in control of anything except ourselves. Humans unknowingly caused this problem and now humans must solve it or suffer the consequences along with almost every other form of life on this planet. The solution has been known for decades but the execution of it will be very difficult. We simply must stop putting CO2 into the atmosphere and, if possible, we must start retrieving the billions of tons we have already released. This is not an irrational response to human fear. It is not some quasi-religious failure of accepting our place in the universe. It is a goddamned fact and it needs to be dealt with.
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The discussion does not concern changing the weather but to cease affecting the climate.

Scrolls, not books.

The Illiad and the Odyssey were both epic poems, not books.

Very few of the Norse sagas involved their gods.

The New Testament made an effort to "stretch towards" more modern ethics than will be found in the OT. Leviticus and Deuteronomy were both the epitome of old world ethics without a trace of modern thought.

It takes a healthy suspenstion of disbelief to accept any tale of the supernatural as factual.

What do you mean "disasters... took front and center"? The Gang of Four was four, specific individuals who were held responsible for the failures of Mao's Cultural Revolution. The Jews were a large, dispersed community blamed by Catholics and Protestants for the crucifixion and their rejection of Jesus as a divinity. There is no striking similarity.

If by environment, you mean to include the weather or the climate, then this statement is false.

Civil defense drills were not held in response to any threat from the environment.

But this has nothing to do with the environment or its control.

The number of airplane hijackings, world wide, since 9/11, has plummetted. In six of those years there were none. So those measures, it seems, WERE objectively effective.

What was repeated? A pandemic? Epidemics and pandemics have been taking place since before our species appeared. There is nothing meaningful about it. It is simply the constant evolutionary battle for resources; our immunity versus the infectious capacity of microbes

Example of what, specifically?

Anthropogenic global warming was not an answer to devastating meteorological events. It is an answer to global warming and unchecked human GHG emissions. The idea that emitting CO2 into the atmosphere would cause the planet to warm first appeared in 1856 in the work of Eunice Newton Foote

AGW theory makes absolutely no claim that severe weather only took place after the Indstrial Revolution. And the suggestion that man could not be responsible for warming because it has happened before we appeared is a complete logical failure.

AGW theory does NOT harken back to any form of worship. It is the product of modern science conducted by thousands of scientsts from every nation (and every religion and every political persuasion) on the planet, supported by enormous amounts of empirical and theoretical evidence. It has nothing to do with being in control of anything except ourselves. Humans unknowingly caused this problem and now humans must solve it or suffer the consequences along with almost every other form of life on this planet. The solution has been known for decades but the execution of it will be very difficult. We simply must stop putting CO2 into the atmosphere and, if possible, we must start retrieving the billions of tons we have already released. This is not an irrational response to human fear. It is not some quasi-religious failure of accepting our place in the universe. It is a goddamned fact and it needs to be dealt with.
Good Lord, your parsing is out of control.

The vast majority of heat is stored in the ocean, not the atmosphere. Say it with me.

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