How long until the Climate Cult re-appears, now that there's hot weather?

That's the way in was originally intended, before there were modern-day Democrats.
I guess you don't understand how our government actually works either. The powers, authorities and constraints on the US government are specified wholly by the US Constitution.
HEAT WAVE is hitting the eastern U.S. and even I'll admit, it's bad this time. My house temperature in the living room is 93 degrees as I type this, and I never remember it that high before.

But, you know what we can do about it?


There's not a solution, not a politician, not a government mandate that's going to control the weather.

Learn to live with hotter temperatures, and a message to the left:

Leave your stinking hands off my freedoms.


A tornado in Vermont.
I guess you don't understand how our government actually works either. The powers, authorities and constraints on the US government are specified wholly by the US Constitution.

Why are you telling me? It's your President whose violating the US Constitution, his oath of office, and the US Supreme Court. He's failing to protect the border, he disobeyed the Supreme Court's decision on student loans and bragged about it, he writes lawless executive orders to give illegals mass amnesty, ignored the Supreme Court's ruling on eviction moratoriums, vaccine mandates, and abortion, and is bypassing other branches of government to push his radical "climate change" bullshit.
Why are you telling me? It's your President whose violating the US Constitution, his oath of office, and the US Supreme Court. He's failing to protect the border, he disobeyed the Supreme Court's decision on student loans and bragged about it, he writes lawless executive orders to give illegals mass amnesty, ignored the Supreme Court's ruling on eviction moratoriums, vaccine mandates, and abortion, and is bypassing other branches of government to push his radical "climate change" bullshit.
Sounds like he's doing everything he can to go in directions of which I wholly approve.
to push his radical "climate change" bullshit.
PS: Joe Biden is about as radical as my Aunt Petunia. And the American people know it. Trump and republican's attempt to portray him as such - as well as attempts to portray him as mentally or cognitively unfit - are running into the brick wall of reality.
PS: Joe Biden is about as radical as my Aunt Petunia. And the American people know it. Trump and republican's attempt to portray him as such - as well as attempts to portray him as mentally or cognitively unfit - are running into the brick wall of reality.

Biden isn't "radical", he's just incompetent. But he does cater to the most radical element of the Democrat Party, as well as radical environmentalists.
Stereotype much?

The left is millions of people. How many do that?

I guess the stereotype for clergy is molester.
Take a look at the democrats' votes in congress over the past seven years. Nope, that isn't stereotyping--they vote lockstep and you all voted lockstep in electing them. Why do you refuse to accept reality.
Biden isn't "radical"
Then why did you repeatedly say he was radical?
he's just incompetent.
Based on his handling of inflation, the war in Ukraine, unemployment, the national debt, COVID-19 and the prosecution of Donald Trump, he's been extraorinarily competent.
But he does cater to the most radical element of the Democrat Party, as well as radical environmentalists.
Take a look at the democrats' votes in congress over the past seven years. Nope, that isn't stereotyping--they vote lockstep and you all voted lockstep in electing them. Why do you refuse to accept reality.
Take a look at the democrats' votes in congress over the past seven years. Nope, that isn't stereotyping--they vote lockstep and you all voted lockstep in electing them. Why do you refuse to accept reality.

Get a clue. What an idiot.
I think this is going to a rough week for the left. Stay tuned.
I'm always tuned. It hasn't looked like a rough week from my PoV. Several wins from the SCOTUS, a dramatic drop in illegal crossing at the southern border and good economic news on several fronts. Tonight may well prove interesting for the right side of the presidential race. Assuming you watch, do keep all your side's commentary about Biden's cognitive state in mind - ie, has the Trump campaign been speaking truthfully to you.

BtW, in re the thread topic, why would anyone think "the climate cult" had disappeared?

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