Media Suppression - RNC and carpet bombing Gaza

Hamas attack Israel because Israel denies rights and services to the Gaza strip.
Gaza is self governing and Israelis haven't been there for over a decade. They have nothing to do with Gaza rights. As for services, Gaza borders Egypt, an Arab nation, why aren't you whining for Egypt to provide services? Your alluding to Israel denying rights to Gaza--like rights to attack Israel with terrorists and rockets? You're wrong.
Gaza is self governing and Israelis haven't been there for over a decade. They have nothing to do with Gaza rights.
Israeli's control water and electricity availability, regulate medicine imports and medical equipment imports and deny travel in or out of Gaza by requiring special permission, mostly denied too.
As for services, Gaza borders Egypt, an Arab nation, why aren't you whining for Egypt to provide services?
Because Egypt isn't the country that imposes all the restrictions on Gaza or enforces the wall security that surrounds Gaza.
Your alluding to Israel denying rights to Gaza--like rights to attack Israel with terrorists and rockets? You're wrong.
This is well documented but what does reality matter to a Zionist genocide denier.

Your moniker is clearly a joke, "Concerned"? well you're obviously not concerned about facts.
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Israeli's control water and electricity availability, regulate medicine imports and medical equipment imports and deny travel in or out of Gaza by requiring special permission, mostly denied too.
Again, Gaza has a border with Egypt. Why isn't Egypt, an Arab nation, providing it? If Gazans hate Israel so bad, let them get the services they need from Egypt. Is it because Egypt doesn't want to be associated with the rabid Hamas?
Again, Gaza has a border with Egypt. Why isn't Egypt, an Arab nation, providing it? If Gazans hate Israel so bad, let them get the services they need from Egypt. Is it because Egypt doesn't want to be associated with the rabid Hamas?
Egypt has a long association with Gaza. During the Nakba hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were expelled from their homes and became refugees. These moved North, East and South. The refugees poured over the borders into Lebanon, Jordan and Syria but Egypt refused to accept any south moving refugees.

The Palestinians become stuck and crowded into Gaza, a once lovely cosmopolitan coastal region, where Jews, Arabs and Christians had lived together for centuries.

Israel thus turned Gaza into a huge refugee camp and that's what the "Gaza strip" is and has been since the fake state of "Israel" appeared on the map like the ugly cancer that it is. Gaza is an Israeli made huge refugee camp.

Many of the refugees in Gaza came from Arab villages near Gaza, that had been ethnically cleansed by the Israelis, do you know what those Arab villages became? They became Jew-only "settlements" the very same settlements that decades later Hamas attacked on October 7th 2023.

Try opening a book not written by a Zionist for once in your life.
Egypt has a long association with Gaza. During the Nakba hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were expelled from their homes and became refugees. These moved North, East and South. The refugees poured over the borders into Lebanon, Jordan and Syria but Egypt refused to accept any south moving refugees.

The Palestinians become stuck and crowded into Gaza, a once lovely cosmopolitan coastal region, where Jews, Arabs and Christians had lived together for centuries.

Israel thus turned Gaza into a huge refugee camp and that's what the "Gaza strip" is and has been since the fake state of "Israel" appeared on the map like the ugly cancer that it is. Gaza is an Israeli made huge refugee camp.

Many of the refugees in Gaza came from Arab villages near Gaza, that had been ethnically cleansed by the Israelis, do you know what those Arab villages became? They became Jew-only "settlements" the very same settlements that decades later Hamas attacked on October 7th 2023.

Try opening a book not written by a fucking Zionist for once in your life.
Why didnt Hamas use the billions of dollars in foreign aid to make Gaza livable instead of digging tunnels to hold weapons?
Why didn't Hamas use the billions of dollars in foreign aid to make Gaza livable instead of digging tunnels to hold weapons?
Gaza always was livable, it lived fine for centuries until Zionism was imported to the region by the British. They built an airport once but the Israelis bulldozed it. The tunnels are to avoid Israeli satellites spying on Hamas's military capabilities and personnel movements. Some tunnels are also used to undermine the (illegal) wall that Israel built around the city.

If you kick three quarters of a million people out of their homes there's gonna be consequences and Oct 7th was just one of those. How the Zionist extremists could be so utterly stupid as to think none of this ethnic cleansing and brutality would one day come back to haunt people is anyone's guess, I think arrogance and entitlement explain much of it.
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As opposed to building schools and hospitals
This is a false dichotomy, what data are you using to form these opinions?
Or factories to make peaceful products
Gaza has a manufacturing industry, or rather did, people earned a living from agriculture too.
The muslim fanatics never learn
Learn what? to bow down before the Zionist empire as you have? Jews refused to accept Nazi domination and Palestinians refuse to accept Zionist domination, what's the confusion here?

US envoy: Israel hasn’t provided ‘specific evidence’ Hamas is stealing aid shipments

The top US diplomat involved in humanitarian assistance for Gaza denied allegations that Hamas has stolen aid and commercial shipments into the enclave, saying that no Israeli official has presented him or the Biden administration with “specific evidence of diversion or theft of assistance.”

At the same time, Hamas has been using other aid delivery channels to “shape where and to whom assistance goes,” David Satterfield told an event on Friday hosted by the Washington-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Perhaps this is why you can't post evidence Mac-7 - there is none, just another Zionist blowhard lie, the ongoing desperate attempt to manipulate our minds, well they ain't manipulating mine any more, scumbags.

These lying bastards need to be cast aside, forget the Israelis and their dumb racist project to dominate the Levant. These incompetents already get billions in US aid, dwarfing anything the Palestinians get who need it more. If these ideological throwbacks are going to greedily grab my tax dollars then I'm damn well going to speak the truth about them.

We owe Israel nothing, not a cent, the Israelis enjoyed huge public good will after the Holocaust, huge sympathy and support from the general public in the West. Well that's all run out now, we have none left, you made your bed now go and sleep in it and use your own fucking money.
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Common sense

You have already conceded Hamas’s preparation for war

That costs money
The Israelis get free money to the tune of almost 4 billion dollars a year until at least 2028 and the vast bulk of that goes on funding their terrorism. We could sure do a lot here with that money, I know a lot of localities would like federal projects to help their people as opposed to a bunch of entitled Nazi throwbacks pretending to be victims year in and year out.
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That has NOTHING to do with Hamas spending the Pal peoples money on war instead of peace
You already made this claim, I asked for supporting documentation remember? you didn't have any, remember?

Read the zone 2 rules please, specifically:

You have a point, make it, back it up, and move on.

You're getting stuck at the "back it up" step, if you can't back it up then it's assumed to be fake, bias, propaganda, the kind of tosh anyone can read in Weekly World News or whatever garbage you subscribe to.
The Palestinians become stuck and crowded into Gaza, a once lovely cosmopolitan coastal region, where Jews, Arabs and Christians had lived together for centuries.
A prime piece of beach front property that had they directed their efforts into development could have made them wealthy. Instead they chose to terrorize their neighbors with the results we see now. Egypt had a reason for not accepting them.
Try opening a book not written by a Zionist for once in your life.
Try reading less propaganda and watch what has happened. HAMAS is the reason for Gaza's problems and by extension, the Gazans themselves. Turn over the hostages and the remaining HAMAS terrorists and the problem will go away. Then it is up to Gaza to develop the prime piece of property that they have been gifted for peaceful purposes and everyone will live happily ever after.
A prime piece of beach front property that had they directed their efforts into development could have made them wealthy. Instead they chose to terrorize their neighbors with the results we see now. Egypt had a reason for not accepting them.
Gaza is an Israeli made refugee camp and most of its resources have gone to alleviation the immense hardship that the population endures. You are clearly living in a bubble. The settlements that were attacked on Oct 7th were once Arab villages, the IDF ethnically cleansed them and destroyed all buildings in 1948.

The Arab population fled and ended up in Gaza, it would have been nice to let these people return to their villages and rebuild their homes that were destroyed but Israel refuses, it is a colonizing regime, obsessed with territorial expansion even before the state came into existence.

To be surprised at Oct 7th is utterly indefensible..
Try reading less propaganda and watch what has happened.
What do you suggest I read?
HAMAS is the reason for Gaza's problems and by extension, the Gazans themselves.
Zionism is the reason for the Oct 7th attacks, and by extension the Israelis themselves.
Turn over the hostages and the remaining HAMAS terrorists and the problem will go away.
How do you know that?
Then it is up to Gaza to develop the prime piece of property that they have been gifted for peaceful purposes and everyone will live happily ever after.
Unlikely, Jared Kushner has his eye on it and plans to forcibly relocate the population to the Negev, do try to keep up, broaden your reading repertoire.

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