Do these Black democrat voters know the history of Planned Parenthood AND they are the largest users?

Are you asking me or are you going to get around to attempting to answer these questions? How weak and frail are you to propose them to me but have no answer for them yourself? Are simply hoping your overt implication does all the heavy lifting?

Either way I'll answer. No. I don't think Sangers desires has fuck all to do with anything. Whatever white Supremacists wanted we are getting the opposite. White people are in demographic decline.

I think abortion affects the black community more because most things affect those at the lowest rung of the socio economic ladder more. They also have the highest rates of unemployment and the slowest rates of recovery during economic downturn, they have poor diets over all, higher levels of stress over all, which leads to greater health risks over all which also leads to more at risk pregnancies over all. These are the ripple affects of racism and economic discrimination and exploitation.

Are you though?

I have family members who are pediatricians and neo natal specialists and pediatric surgeons so I know a little about this without having to look it up but black women are far more likely to have at risk pregnancies and die during child birth so yes abortion is healthcare because pregnancy isn't some magic event where God breathes life into your belly, it's a condition that causes biological changes that can be extremely harmful and more difficult for some people. Clown.
I can’t argue with you there. Black women do have a higher at risk pregnancy rate, but worthy is a 400% increase of abortions?

I guess i have nothing else to add. You’re ok with the racist past of this organization, and you don’t not think America is a racist nation.

Good to know.

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