Another Black Conservative Finds Out

I really hope someday you realize that limousine liberal Dem politicians want to keep you perpetually angry, bitter and with that "us against them" mindset. Why? Because it's all about control. It's all about keeping your vote, and keeping people dependent on the government.

That horribly negative mindset is no way to go through life... and I think deep down you know that.
nah; deep down he's just a power hungry mau mau wannabe. Remember; most of the victims of the mau mau were black!!!

Although the Mau Mau murdered a number of white settlers, the vast majority of their victims were fellow Africans. By the end of the emergency, 32 European civilians had died at the hands of the Mau Mau, but so had over 1,800 Africans. Mau Mau guerrillas may have totalled 25,000, but they had few modern weapons.

Kenya Emergency - National Army Museum

Stuff them; we see IM2's REAL anger to his brother Blacks....the jerk!!

I don't look at skin color when judging a president. Obama was a globalist sellout, and a puppet, just like GW Bush, Clinton, and the rest of them who get to the highest office in the land. If you want to put your faith in politicians, have at it, but one day you'll realize how foolish that is. Mark my words.
I don't put my faith in ANY man or woman. But I refuse to be told by somebody white how bad it is to be part of a party that has at least tried to help us end the bullshit as opposed to the one who tells us, no matter how qualified we are, that we are denigrated as some DEI hire. Or who tries telling us that what we see isn't so, instead it is some mirage created by some mystic white elite who have our minds so much under control that we are believing things that don't exist just so those white elites will get us to vote for them. This bullshit spoken by you right wing assholes is an insult to our intelligence. You might get some young idiot like Roderick to fall for that shit, But I am not the one.
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Yes, radical white liberals control it. But keep trying to bring me back to your plantation.
You're already on the plantation junior. Right now the leaders of the democratic party are a black man and his wife. Black women are the base, they control the party. So keep on repeating the lame misquoted passages white republicans misuse from X or MLK. Because if you really knew anything about X, you know he didn't like white conservatives either. I seriously doubt you are black Roderick. You talk about white liberals controling the democratic party, while you are in a party that is most definetly controlled by white elites.
Blacks like me are wising up to listening to whitehead liberal devils like you. Even Malcolm X knew the folly of buying into the white liberal devil. My teachers in high school always touted MLK, but gave short shrift to Malcolm X. Peddle your white bread superiority on others.
You don't know jack shit about Malcolm X.

After his Hajj, Malcolm X returned with a completely different attitude toward liberal whites willing to help the cause of civil rights.
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I seriously doubt you are black Roderick.
You can't be serious. I knew you were Snow White the first time you replied to me. No blacks talk like you. You don't think I have seen you people all over Reddit and Quora? Get real, Lily White.
Martin L King was a sellout. Instead of effecting real change, he gave in. He traded freedom for government handouts. And look what it wrought. The disintegration of the black family. The government became the surrogate dad for black kids. Disgraceful.
I was lucky to be raised in an intact family, but lazy scoundrels fleeing are all too common. YOu need a father to keep you in check and out of gangs. You need a good kick in your butt. A single mother can't do that.
I don't put my faith in ANY man or woman. But I refuse to be told by somebody white how bad it is to be part of a party that has at east tried to help us end the bullshit as opposed to the one who tells us, no matter how qualified we are, that we are denigrated as some DEI hire. Or who tries telling us that what we see isn't so, instead its some mirage created by some mystic white elite who have our minds so much under control that we are beleiving things that don't exist just so those white eites will get us to vote for them. This bullshit spoken by you right wing assholes is an insut to our intelligence. You might get some young idiot like Roderick to fall for that shit, But I am not the one.

There are way too many strawmen in that post for me to go through. Don't add to my words or assume I'm arguing things that I never argued. I'm just saying that there are people who want to keep you in that angry, bitter, horribly negative mindset because its a way to control people and keep getting their votes. It's demagoguery. But if you want to believe corrupt politicians are your friend, then go right ahead. :dunno: I'm not going to try to convince you, you are far too deeply entrenched in that angry, bitter, hateful mindset....and again, that's no way to go through life.
Right now the leaders of the democratic party are a black man and his wife. Black women are the base, they control the party.
You can't be serious. Black women are at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder.
...traded freedom for government handouts. And look what it wrought. The disintegration of the black family. The government became the surrogate dad for black kids. Disgraceful.

^ That's something I don't think I've ever seen IM2 address. Then again, I don't usually post on these types of threads, so maybe he has.

But you brought up a very important point. I think the disintegration of the black family and the government becoming the daddy was by design.... and it goes along with what I was saying earlier, about control, as opposed to truly caring about what is best for people.
You can't be serious. I knew you were Snow White the first time you replied to me. No blacks talk like you. You don't think I have seen you people all over Reddit and Quora? Get real, Lily White.
You are really stupid. No blacks talk like me? How do blacks talk Roderick. Tell me.
^ That's something I don't think I've ever seen IM2 address. Then again, I don't usually post on these types of threads, so maybe he has.

But you brought up a very important point. I think the disintegration of the black family and the government becoming the daddy was by design.... and it goes along with what I was saying earlier, about control, as opposed to truly caring about what is best for people.
I don't know what he has said in total, but I can tell he is phony. He fancies himself an academic, but he appears uneducated. I have also never met a single black talk like him. He sounds just like my white high school teacher--except--of course--angry and uneducated and blue collar.

I am guessing he might be on the payroll of MoveOn. They are full of Lily White liberals who totally hate when blacks disdain them. I once got on their mail list and had to change my main email. They are rabid.


^ That's something I don't think I've ever seen IM2 address. Then again, I don't usually post on these types of threads, so maybe he has.

But you brought up a very important point. I think the disintegration of the black family and the government becoming the daddy was by design.... and it goes along with what I was saying earlier, about control, as opposed to truly caring about what is best for people.
Because its bullshit. Nobody black did that. The givernment being daddy?

Have you studied the Mothers Pension that was given to whites beginning in the early 20th century? This was money given to white women who had chidren withno fther supporting them. This wenton in varuious wys fr at least 55 years before blacks were included. And during this time we see no discussion of how that disintegrated the white family or how government ws daddy.

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