REAGAN the movie

very well said.the reagan apologists on here are so dense and clueless about the two major scandals the october surprise and the contra scandal Reagan was involved in up to his ears.
not only that,but pretend that Carter did not clean up the corruption of the CIA by firing the evil demonic monster George Bush as CIA director and bringing in stansfield Turner who cleaned up the corruption cleaning house by firing all covert operaters of the CIA which led to no wars being started under carter. Then they pretend that Reagan did not fire Turner and brought in william casey as CIA director who got the CIA back to its covert wars again and got the war machine going again for the deep state.

they pretend not to see this public statement Reagans handpicked CIA man made unable to accept realty they have been checkmated taken to school..:uhoh3::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::rofl:

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."-William J. Casey, CIA Director

View attachment 1007563

This quote was originally spoken by Casey sometime in early February of 1981, at a meeting in the Roosevelt Room in the West Wing of the White House, at which the White House policy analyst Barbara Honegger was present (who was then acting as Assistant to the chief domestic policy adviser to the President). She then relayed it to her Godmother, the Senior White House Correspondent Sarah McClendon, who made the quote public without naming the original source, through the Radio host Mae Brussel.

gipper TNHarley sparky there4eyeM they try to dismiss these pesky DOCUMENTED facts as fake news.comedy gold,you cant make this shit up that they try to dismiss caseys public statement on the CIA as fake news comedy gold at its best .:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The Iran-Iraq War started during Carter's time as POTUS;

Iran-Iraq War - Wikipedia

Also the -

Soviet-Afghan War - Wikipedia

Reagan stole weapons from his nation, sold them to a régime his nation had forbidden such dealings with and used the illegal funds in an illegal, un-Constitutional fashion to arm groups his nation had forbidden arming. That is only part of his miserable history. He was just a "feel good" illusion that facile minds love to worship.

Nice piece of fiction where you got exactly none of that right! Great job! I suggest a good study of the time period possible written by the people who lived it. I doubt that you were even cognizant of life during that period. I was 19 when Reagan was elected and the first President I ever voted for. My vote won 3 straight elections, then lost two, and then won 2 more. Reagan was my CINC for the most of any president during my Navy career. We did more to bring about world peace during that time than at any other, under any President except Trump.
I am in favor of steep tax increases for the rich. I am also opposed to open borders. I hate criminals, and I want them to suffer.
How do rich people make money? They invest funds that companies use to hire people. If you tax that money and take a large chunk away, people will not invest as much, and your employment rate begins to fall. Corporations don't pay taxes. They merely increase costs and pass them on to consumers. You want inflation to go even higher? Raise taxes on the rich and you will be paying their taxes when you but anything as costs will go up.
Nuke Tora Bora and Leave

Why should we care about the feelings of mountain monkeys? Not that we should have bothered with the Tail Bunnies anyway.
Conveniently for us, they are Iran's problem now.

Draftdodging Dubya avoided exterminating Al Qaida, which is all he should have done in that fake country. So that war was doubly wrong, too much nation-building and too little to wipe out the real enemy, but we are programmed for shallow interpretations.
Pardon me, but your lying is showing!

Bush did not dodge the draft. He was never drafted, so how could he dodge it? Trump and Biden also did not dodge the draft. The only draft dodger I know for certain was Muhammed Ali, and they did nothing to him. Perhaps you should reconsider your definition.
Funny, you don't have that same attitude about Palestinians.

Now you are an anti-Imperialist? Don't make me laugh.

The problem with the war on terror is we never treated it like a war. We should have drafted a huge army, raised taxes, and established victory conditions. We never did that.

We just went in, thought the Afghans would be impressed with our awesomeness, and then left them to their own devices.

The military we had was more than sufficient. Politics made it harder to employ.

It is impossible to defeat an idea. You just have to kill them all, which is something no one had the stomach to do. Genocide is quite unpopular with most people these days.
It is passing strange the Reagan gets so many "passes", especially regarding his end run around the Constitution by illegal funding methods. is extremely dangerous precedent never got the attention it needs.
Reagan knew nothing of the details. You apparently have the source of the weapons wrong, as well as the key players in the exchange, which resulted in American hostages being released. As I said previously, you need a course of study of this time period in history, because you don't have a clue.
very well said.the reagan apologists on here are so dense and clueless about the two major scandals the october surprise and the contra scandal Reagan was involved in up to his ears.
not only that,but pretend that Carter did not clean up the corruption of the CIA by firing the evil demonic monster George Bush as CIA director and bringing in stansfield Turner who cleaned up the corruption cleaning house by firing all covert operaters of the CIA which led to no wars being started under carter. Then they pretend that Reagan did not fire Turner and brought in william casey as CIA director who got the CIA back to its covert wars again and got the war machine going again for the deep state.

they pretend not to see this public statement Reagans handpicked CIA man made unable to accept realty they have been checkmated taken to school..:uhoh3::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::rofl:

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."-William J. Casey, CIA Director

View attachment 1007563

This quote was originally spoken by Casey sometime in early February of 1981, at a meeting in the Roosevelt Room in the West Wing of the White House, at which the White House policy analyst Barbara Honegger was present (who was then acting as Assistant to the chief domestic policy adviser to the President). She then relayed it to her Godmother, the Senior White House Correspondent Sarah McClendon, who made the quote public without naming the original source, through the Radio host Mae Brussel.

gipper TNHarley sparky there4eyeM they try to dismiss these pesky DOCUMENTED facts as fake news.comedy gold,you cant make this shit up that they try to dismiss caseys public statement on the CIA as fake news comedy gold at its best .:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
So far, web search shows this may actually be Casey's words, but it's doubtful he was able to ever succeed fully with this plan. Here's the best, informative article I've found so far;
Well Stryder , i'll agree we're not at 'peace', but then it's been something of a premium over two centuries as a new nation

So you tell me (et all) what's in it for us to bow down to , and follow in lockstep with the MIC

I don't speak your code.
What is "MIC"?
In 2023 the United States spent $916.0 billion on our military. That was more than Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea combined. When our allies are added to the total, our military superiority is overwhelming. That is not only unnecessary; it is unnecessarily provocative.

Republicans in Congress like to spend enormous sums on our military because military contractors are big campaign contributors. Then they think it is acceptable to spend for this with borrowed money.

Stryder50, you are sure America's intentions are peaceful. The people of Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq have reason to disagree.
The USA spent more on paying the interest on Debt.
Paid about $1.5 billion on Social Security.
Paid over $1.8 on Medicare/Medicaid.
Defense is fourth down this list of big budget items and the only one that is mandated by our Constitution.

Convert the funds spent by Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea to real, equivalent US dollars and you'll find we haven't out spent them.

The people of Vietnam - I worked with many "refugees" from SE Asia several years ago. They left because they had no fondness for communism and regret that the USA didn't stick it out and go more harsh on N. Vietnam (defeat them).

Afghanistan has already had to deal with a recent war against the USSR, which USA aid helped the "win" by having the USSR leave. The Taliban than picked up the fight and most who lived under their control weren't happy about. Unfortunately to completely destroy the Taliban would have required a major conflict with Pakistan to remove the Islamic Fundamentalist faction there to created and sustained the Taliban.

Most of the people of Iraq wish we had stayed to finish the job. But the real enemy there was Iran and the insurgents it sent and supported. Again, American leadership got into a war it didn't know how to fight effectively and WIN. The conflict in Iraq continues between the factions left there.
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In the United States:

In 1932, the top tax rate was 63.0%
In 1940, the top tax rate was 81.1%
In 1944, the top tax rate was 94.0%

In 1932, the unemployment rate was 23,6%.
In 1940, the unemployment rate was 14,6%,
In 1944, the unemployment rate was 1.2%
I "fake news" this because it's clear you have no historical perspective.
1940 was USA build-up for the war raging around the world and becoming the "Arsenal of Democracy" providing Lend-Lease to the UK, USSR, China, etc.
1944 USA is a major combatant and the major supplier of the allies in the Second World War.
Get out of the thread if you’re not going to understand what is being discussed.

If you somehow magically think our government’s massive war spending and trillions wasted on multiple dumb wars is appropriate, you’re a dumb MFer.
You are the one who doesn't understand what is being discussed.
You also are an enabler of fascists, tyrants, butchers, and other evil persons, groups, nations who go around abusing innocent people and then cause the wars the USA often has to finish.
I "fake news" this because it's clear you have no historical perspective.
1940 was USA build-up for the war raging around the world and becoming the "Arsenal of Democracy" providing Lend-Lease to the UK, USSR, China, etc.
1944 USA is a major combatant and the major supplier of the allies in the Second World War.
Military hiring and spending is government hiring and spending. I am glad we entered World War II. Nevertheless, if the War had not been going on, and if the government had spent the money instead on infrastructure, public health, public education, and other aspects of public spending, the results would have been better for the economy.
Isis could not have won in Afghanistan without popular support. The same can be said of the Communists in Vietnam.
In both cases it was the people lacking the will to resist and the means to do so effectively.
Raw brutality and butchery can do that sometimes.
It's history, seen often enough; be willing to bash in enough heads and the rest will cower.
How do rich people make money? They invest funds that companies use to hire people. If you tax that money and take a large chunk away, people will not invest as much, and your employment rate begins to fall. Corporations don't pay taxes. They merely increase costs and pass them on to consumers. You want inflation to go even higher? Raise taxes on the rich and you will be paying their taxes when you but anything as costs will go up.
Rich people do not hire people when they have more money. They hire people when they have more customers. They have more customers when the government taxes them heavily, and spreads the wealth around. This is why Democrat presidents usually have better hiring records than Republican presidents.
World War II ended in 1945. A year later the national debt as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP) was 119%.

By 1980, which was the last year Jimmy Carter was president, this had declined to 32%. During this time the top tax rate never got below 70%, and was often much higher.

During the Reagan administration Republicans reduced the top tax rate to 28%. Consequently, during Reagan's last year in office, in 1988, the national debt as a percentage of GDP grew to 50%.

In 1993 President Clinton raised the top tax rate from 31.0% to 39.6%.

Consequently, yearly deficits declined, and the national debt declined.


Unfortunately, President G.W. Bush cut the top tax rate again, while starting two expensive wars he could not win.

Consequently, during Trump's last year in office, in 2013, the national debt as a percentage of GDP grew to 129%. In 2023, after three years of Biden's presidency, this declined to 122%.

U.S. National Debt by Year

The rise in the national debt has benefited the Republican Party, because it prevents the Democrats from funding programs to help their natural constituencies in the bottom half of the income distribution.

The GOP benefits when white working class men think, "The Democrats never did anything to help me. At least the Republicans won't take my guns."


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