You are unemployed and want a new job, under a Democratic president you have a better chance of getting one!

You don't "got it", you're an idiot. That's the point. You don't get it.
That's what your ploy is all about son, you could support almost any post you present with figures and no supporting links. Read the forum rules!!!!

COVID-19 pandemic and aftermath

The COVID-19 pandemic in the United States impacted the economy significantly beginning in March 2020, as businesses were shut-down and furloughed or fired personnel. About 16 million persons filed for unemployment insurance in the three weeks ending April 9. It caused the number of unemployed persons to increase significantly, which is expected to reduce tax revenues while increasing automatic stabilizer spending for unemployment insurance and nutritional support. As a result of the adverse economic impact, both state and federal budget deficits will dramatically increase, even before considering any new legislation.[114]

To help address lost income for millions of workers and assist businesses, Congress and President Trump enacted the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) on March 27, 2020. It included loans and grants for businesses, along with direct payments to individuals and additional funding for unemployment insurance. The act carried an estimated $2.3 trillion price tag,

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Even after the initial Wuhan relief, the country rebounded strong. BTW, Wuhan was an pandemic and global, sorry for being redundant, but I am discussing with a demfok.

Nothing has improved since creepy and scamala took office, they tank our economy on day 1 of their administration.

Still no tax changes though, hmmmmmmmmm if it was supposedly so bad, why hasn't scamala and creepy fixed it? Well again, since you are a demofk, they know it's good.

Excuses, excuses, nice try mr ultra maga...

Bill Clinton stated this evening that since 1989, 51 million new jobs have been created and under the Democrats, of those 51, 49 million were created under Democratic presidents and only 2 million were created under Republican presidents.

Clinton said he had to check it 3 times but that it was confirmed.

Here is a link to one of the articles that confirms that information:

“Since 1989 and a new age of globalization began, 51 million jobs have been created in America. 49 million, 96%, have been created under Democratic presidents.”

This means that more Americans were working under Democratic rule than under Republican presidents. More people working means a better economy, better lives, and better life for all.

This is also something that is true and that has been confirmed 100%

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Democrats would have created more jobs if they didn’t have to clean up the economic collapses of Bush and Trump
Maybe you could use an AI to help you?

It was the post where I smacked you upside the head with real numbers and you're still crying about it.
Do you still have a hand? Then you didn't smack me, you're just dreaming. Just provide the link. What are you afraid of?
Tell you what, Ivan, you provide the source for your "Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission 20%" claim and I'll be happy to provide the number of the post you're asking about.

Don't run away now!
You're a lazy analyst Todd. You're failing to make the distinction between Fannie and Freddie's involvement in the overall mortgage market (which was around 50-70% at the time) and their role in the subprime market specifically, which was far less. That's why I want to see what your source is saying. I'm sure you're misinterpreting the data.

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