Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

Um, dude, the founding fathers weren't all Christians.

Although, if they knew that some day Satanism would be considered a Religion, I am sure they would have worded it differently.
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
-John Adams
Circa 1798
Other nations have transvestites...somehow they don’t have a “murder trend” as you put it. Other nations have racists like the ones who shot up the WalMart and the Topps grocery stores here; but they don’t have that “murder trend” either.

Logic would dictate that since other nations have the same population segments as mentioned above, the only difference is that those segments here have full access to weaponry...which is why we have the monthly blood baths and they do not.
So in your 'informed' opinion the only difference between the land of freedom and these trashy hellholes you wish to compare us to is only guns? How narrow minded of you. Run along, such simplistic silliness has no place in any real discussion.
In part, we agree with you.
No other nation has the freedom Americans have, no other nation is as DIVERSE as we are.
The framework of our nation, the founding documents was constructed for a populous of White Christians, had our Founders knew purple hairs would fuck the place all up with their retarded as fuck melting pot bullshit they never would have granted gun rights. They firmly believed the people of this nation would preserve and protect it and not deviate from the Founders intent…but we fucked ourselves by being TOLERANT and INCLUSIVE.
As yourself this scary as fuck question….ask Unkotare to help you answer it….How much ‘gun violence’ would there be in all white all Christian America?
Cite them.

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