His Father Was in the Home

Nope. The responsibility lies in the father and the son.
Well, in the case of the son, most definitely. In the case of the father, it will boil down the decision of the jury. In Georgia, no minor can "purchase" a firearm, but a teen can possess a rifle, meaning a parent can purchase a rifle for the son or daughter. It's a law that clearly needs revision.
However, if I was that parent, once the FBI came to my house and said that they were concerned about my kid being a threat, even though the FBI cleared her, I would definitely tell her that she can never expect me to purchase one for her and I would ensure that she had absolutely no access to the ones I own. Once reaching adulthood, nothing could stop her though.
Repubs have a vested interest in having these events continue to happen. Making American society safer is not in their best interest.
Look at the post above mine for starters.

Stuff it pantyshield.

It was very difficult for him to go to school and not get picked on,” Colin Gray claimed.

“It went from one thing to another… I was trying to get him on the golf team… (they said) Oh, look, Colt’s gay. He’s dating that guy. Just ridiculed him day after day after day,” he added.
We read the racists taking about the black family. We get the lectures about no fathers being around. Colton Grays father was at home with him.

September 5 Georgia school shooting news​

  • The father of the Apalachee High School shooting suspect has been arrested for “knowingly allowing” his son to have a weapon, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. Colin Gray is charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second degree murder and eight counts of cruelty to children.

Ethan Crumbleys father lived with him too.

Is LBJ responsible for this too?
His mother has a rap sheet a mile long, including multiple felonies.... You merely attempt to condense all via anecdotal idiocy! Generally speaking, a father in the home, even a bad one, demonstrates "limit setting" upon the young males in that home, but shit happens, more importantly, to my professional mind, is the radical impact fascist democrat media has had in this latest school shooting, and I can assure you I already have answer to that question, it was enormous!
His mother has a rap sheet a mile long, including multiple felonies.... You merely attempt to condense all via anecdotal idiocy! Generally speaking, a father in the home, even a bad one, demonstrates "limit setting" upon the young males in that home, but shit happens, more importantly, to my professional mind, is the radical impact fascist democrat media has had in this latest school shooting, and I can assure you I already have answer to that question, it was enormous!
I'm doing what you guys do. Now shut the hell up.

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