Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

I think my kindergartener’s teacher and you’re packing heat is my business.
You reproduced? And when that alleged child commits a violent action, are you going to accept responsibility or try to blame it on others. I suspect the second option.
Please cite them. I am not watching some Youtube bullshit.

Fuck you. Cite another first world country where it happens shit for brains cocksucker.
In part, we agree with you.
No other nation has the freedom Americans have, no other nation is as DIVERSE as we are.
The framework of our nation, the founding documents was constructed for a populous of White Christians, had our Founders knew purple hairs would fuck the place all up with their retarded as fuck melting pot bullshit they never would have granted gun rights. They firmly believed the people of this nation would preserve and protect it and not deviate from the Founders intent…but we fucked ourselves by being TOLERANT and INCLUSIVE.
As yourself this scary as fuck question….ask Unkotare to help you answer it….How much ‘gun violence’ would there be in all white all Christian America?
Do WHAT? People spit this rhetoric and never come up with something that will solve the problem. Only band aids. And half the time, they won't do shit. It's just knee jerk bullshit.
More school security: band aid
Fix mental health: never actually happens

Vance is right. It’s a fact of life.
But not the House. And Republicans have the filibuster.

Anything else?
The filibuster has not stopped the illegal actions of the democrats.

Example, student debt cancelation was seen to be illegal by SCOTUS yet your precious democrats still tried to do it, and that effort got shot down. They will try again.
In part, we agree with you.
No other nation has the freedom Americans have, no other nation is as DIVERSE as we are.
The framework of our nation, the founding documents was constructed for a populous of White Christians, had our Founders knew purple hairs would fuck the place all up with their retarded as fuck melting pot bullshit they never would have granted gun rights. They firmly believed the people of this nation would preserve and protect it and not deviate from the Founders intent…but we fucked ourselves by being TOLERANT and INCLUSIVE.
As yourself this scary as fuck question….ask Unkotare to help you answer it….How much ‘gun violence’ would there be in all white all Christian America?
Um, dude, the founding fathers weren't all Christians.

  • By prohibiting the establishment of a national religion, the Founders ensured that no single denomination could claim governmental endorsement.
  • Simultaneously, by protecting the free exercise of religion, they guaranteed that all individuals could practice their faith without fear of government reprisal.

The First Amendment embodied a blend of philosophical ideals and practical considerations. It was the product of Enlightenment rationalism, historical experiences of persecution, and a pragmatic recognition of the pluralistic nature of American society. The result was a constitutional framework that allowed for a vibrant diversity of religious expression while maintaining a government that was neutral in matters of faith.

Thus, the inclusion of religious freedom in the First Amendment was a cornerstone of the Founders' vision for a nation where liberty and justice could prevail for all, uninhibited by the specter of religious domination or discrimination. It ensured that Americans could build a society rooted in moral integrity and personal liberty, reflecting the profound insights and foresight of the enlightened minds that crafted this unparalleled document.
Although, if they knew that some day Satanism would be considered a Religion, I am sure they would have worded it differently.

Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?​

Armed and trained grownup (staff and security) on school grounds.

Like EVERY OTHER place on the planet where you want to prevent violence.


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