Greenland ice melt worse than previously believed

Why do the Vatican City and the Falkland Islands produce so much less CO2 than does China? Could it be because of the population difference? Ignoring the point that China has about four times as many people as the US is about as disingenuous as you could get. I'll ask you the same question I asked Todd. What do you think China should do differently?

And even if they somehow matched US emissions, would you actually change your views on this?
Neither of those countries have an industrial base. China has yet to acquire the same carbon-based industries as the US and most of their fuel is imported. Same for India, although they are further behind. Both are catching up rapidly simply because of their populations. They have no concern with CO2 as evidenced by their lack of reducing their production. The recent agreements grant them exemptions because of their second-world status, while we pay the most.

China can stop building coal plants on a weekly basis and pursue higher cost alternatives if CO2 is the problem. Since I believe higher CO2 is unrelated to global warming, they really don't have to anything except choke on their own polluted air.
I'd like to see some evidence that university faculties are largely democratic and that they exhibit some bias in their teaching. That is, I'd like to see some evidence that you aren't simply lying again.
It is a well-known fact that academia is exceptionally libera l with the exception of business and engineering. Are you denying this well-known fact or just learning it? My education professors were all liberals when I went to graduate school. My engineering teachers in my undergraduate classes were all conservatives.

One of my graduate school professors was an interesting fellow. He was a tall, thin West Texan with snow white shoulder length hair he wore in a ponytail. He dressed like he was an extra in some Old Western shoot-em-up movie, and he was politically somewhere to the left of Karl Marx. Despite his flaming liberal attitude, he respected others' views, and he was one of my favorite professors because he would debate you on topics and was honest when you beat him. He respected our opinions that were different than his, as long as we backed them up, and never hurt our grades because we disagreed with him.
It is a well-known fact that academia is exceptionally libera l with the exception of business and engineering. Are you denying this well-known fact or just learning it? My education professors were all liberals when I went to graduate school. My engineering teachers in my undergraduate classes were all conservatives.

One of my graduate school professors was an interesting fellow. He was a tall, thin West Texan with snow white shoulder length hair he wore in a ponytail. He dressed like he was an extra in some Old Western shoot-em-up movie, and he was politically somewhere to the left of Karl Marx. Despite his flaming liberal attitude, he respected others' views, and he was one of my favorite professors because he would debate you on topics and was honest when you beat him. He respected our opinions that were different than his, as long as we backed them up, and never hurt our grades because we disagreed with him.
I went looking myself and found this.

Which details several studies and surveys that conclude academia is more liberal than the general public. That this produces a bias in education, however, has not been demonstrated.

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