Greenland ice melt worse than previously believed

I do not have a science background in climate study. Never said, I did, or claimed to be a true believer supporting or opposing. You will have to go find a fence post to argue with.

You do not have a degree in "concern for truth" either....
You do not have a degree in "concern for truth" either....
Sometimes, I think like a Trumper, in that "Truth" is in the eye of the beholder. The big climate thing is one of them. Climate-wise, I can tell you it was hot last week with 3 days 100 deg or more. This winter in Jan or Feb it will be relatively cold with temp occasionally getting down close to zero or below, like earlier this year. Come what may, I will be cool in the summer, warm in the winter and driving one of our two SUV. Find yourself another posterboy for whichever side of the climate issue, you wish to attack, out of your boredom.
Has CO2 in the atmosphere increased as the world continued to burn fossil fuels? Yes
Have temperatures continued to increase as CO2 increased? Yes.
Has sea level rise continued and accelerated as temperatures rose? Yes.
Has ice around the planet been melting at an accelerating pace? Yes.
Are these observations not validated by essentially every scientist on the entire planet? Yes.

You would be the stupid fuck who has always been wrong and to whom we definitely should not listen.
I was supposed to be underwater by now



Sometimes, I think like a Trumper, in that "Truth" is in the eye of the beholder. The big climate thing is one of them. Climate-wise, I can tell you it was hot last week with 3 days 100 deg or more. This winter in Jan or Feb it will be relatively cold with temp occasionally getting down close to zero or below, like earlier this year. Come what may, I will be cool in the summer, warm in the winter and driving one of our two SUV. Find yourself another posterboy for whichever side of the climate issue, you wish to attack, out of your boredom.

This was not boredom...

This was a sitting President committing treason against America by not prosecuting, or ordering Holder not to...
This was not boredom...

This was a sitting President committing treason against America by not prosecuting, or ordering Holder not to...
It is boring the hell out of me, how a couple of posters could get upset, over a nationally known story of December, posted by me in January, with little comment could come back to life. I left the interpretation up to the reader, but it looks like it attracted the fanatics, 9 months later.
You can't tell us who said that because no reputable scientists ever said so. That makes you the liar, not the one tearing liars down.
Oh STFU. You know damn well the BS about shore lines disappearing. Hell as a kid it was a New Ice Age.

Now you play this stupid game of your side didnt say it.

Go play in traffic you fraud
Oh STFU. You know damn well the BS about shore lines disappearing. Hell as a kid it was a New Ice Age.

Now you play this stupid game of your side didnt say it.

Go play in traffic you fraud
Tell us who said it or admit that you cannot.
Thsts just your champ saying all this crap.

Deny they didnt for a very long time that the ice caps would melt and put cosstal regions underwater.

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