Greenland ice melt worse than previously believed

Obama is 63. He probably doesn't have more than 20-25 years left. In that time, sea level probably won't rise more than 12-13 inches. His house is 15 feet above sea level. And just his name on the deed likely doubled the value of the house the day he signed it. So what the fuck are you people going on about?
What will it be worth when a global warming hurricane wipes Martha's Vineyard back to the Stone Age?
Rich people get cars and poor people walk, ride bicycles or take a bus. :)
I just spent 5 days in New Orleans. To park my car cost me $170 for that time. It was two blocks from my Air BnB. Despite the streets being crowded with cars at all hours, apparently, the only people who drive in New Orleans are Lyft and Uber drivers. They have streetcars, but going 1/4 mile or so, took us nearly 45 minutes, which we could have walked in about 15 minutes or so had my wife been able to walk that far. Going to get groceries was a pain. The only store was very convenient, but you simply cannot carry groceries for a family of six in your hands.

People like Crick want us to change our entire lifestyle on the hopes that it will save the icecaps from raising the sea level by a few inches over the next few decades. Lyft and Uber drivers still use gasoline producing CO2 and the cable cars run on natural gas power plants for its electricity.

How much worse can it get if those power sources are not available?
I just spent 5 days in New Orleans. To park my car cost me $170 for that time. It was two blocks from my Air BnB. Despite the streets being crowded with cars at all hours, apparently, the only people who drive in New Orleans are Lyft and Uber drivers. They have streetcars, but going 1/4 mile or so, took us nearly 45 minutes, which we could have walked in about 15 minutes or so had my wife been able to walk that far. Going to get groceries was a pain. The only store was very convenient, but you simply cannot carry groceries for a family of six in your hands.

People like Crick want us to change our entire lifestyle on the hopes that it will save the icecaps from raising the sea level by a few inches over the next few decades. Lyft and Uber drivers still use gasoline producing CO2 and the cable cars run on natural gas power plants for its electricity.

How much worse can it get if those power sources are not available?
Emitting transportation can be replaced with non-emitting transportation.

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