Arlington, one more thing

How about a little background and truth about the Arlington 'incident'. This guy was there.

You are not allowed to use the site to film partisan political material. That rule applies to both sides.
While I'm not surprised it was Trump that pulled this little stunt, I'm shocked and surprised at the mother who allowed her dead son's grave to be defiled in this manner.
For this fat orange POS.
eh, it was during my Mafia years.
I watch a lot of real life murder shows. Most of the time it seems like the person murdered didn’t deserve it. Occasionally the guy deserved it.

For example if I hear an identity thief got murdered, I cheer.'d that happen?

Because Trump took his campaign camera crew, and his campaign staff to a private event, at a place where he knew they weren't allowed.

You keep asking why Biden or Harris didn't attend. They weren't invited. The families ONLY invited Donald Trump. This is after he used them shameless;y at the RNC to make false accusations against Biden and Harris.

"On social media and later during a speech to a National Guard conference in Detroit, Trump criticized Biden’s decision to finalize the military withdrawal from Afghanistan – although Trump didn’t mention he had accelerated that withdrawal during his final months in the White House."


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