The laws of nature existed before space and time

anyone at all have anything to say about red shift that is the proof? or are these nutter branches from it so far out they have nothing to do with anything?
If you can't reason about this stuff you at least have the mind to ridicule it? talk about that duck that drinks water over and over again from the weight of water inside the glass
New Drinking Water Bird Novelty Happy Duck Bobbing Toy Retro Glass Desktop  Red

I bet it makes more sense then inflation talk and more worth our time.

Your duck here is wrong ... do you see what's missing? ...
The CMB radiation is from hydrogen converting from a plasma to a gas ... as the universe cooled ... any and all photons generated in the plasma was immediately absorbed ... hydrogen plasma is opaque to EM ... hydrogen gas is transparent at most wavelengths ... what we see, what our equipment measures is photons ...
Incorrect. It's the radiation from matter / antimatter mutual annihilations. e=mc^2
The universe is already 300,000 years old ... CMB is only evidence of that point in the universe's history forward ... all information from before is lost, at least as far as EM ... once we go full scale with LIGO, the hope is the gravity waves will provide us with more information ... provide answers to all these lingering questions and generate more questions ...

There's a wall out there that we can't see past ... past which it's totally dark and void and without any light of any kind ... like a house cat's soul ...

Maybe read up on this.

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