Zone1 Where does it say in the Bible only adults can be baptized?

Faith is not a debate. It's not a contest to be won or lost. Believe what you believe and leave others to do the same. That's it. Anything else, history shows us, leads to conflict.
Actually, it does not. The times of peace were when people followed the God of Israel. This has lead to peace. It’s when people do not know the God of Israel (doesn’t mean all the people belong to His Church) and believe they can make up their own versions of good and right is when evil and wrong cause contentions. It’s called anarchy. “If it feels good, do it.” There will be no consequences. This strengthens evil which thirsts on conflict.

So, we preach and teach Christ which is about true faith, hope and charity (the pure love of Christ.) as Jesus did, teach the sinners. Even the bad ones in the house of ill repute. Then, we hope people follow the good and still allow for free moral agency to choose for themselves good or evil. However, there must be consequences for our decisions and there are.

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