Another absurd proposal from President Biden

He's gaslighting again.

He waited not even a month after he got immunity to attempt to "save democracy" and assassinate Trump.

Biden's words, my emphasis...

"With today’s Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity, that fundamentally changed. For all — for all practical purposes, today’s decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits on what a president can do.

This is a fundamentally new principle, and it’s a dangerous precedent because the power of the office will no longer be constrained by the law, even including the Supreme Court of the United States. The only limits will be self-imposed by the president alone.
Your entire argument is presicated on your ignorantly-based refusal to accept the preconditions.

You remain ineducable. .
Why does Justice Roberts dance around the issue?

Why won’t he say
You are NOT immune for illegal acts done as part of your official capacity

If he has
Show me
Why does Justice Roberts dance around the issue?

Why won’t he say
You are NOT immune for illegal acts done as part of your official capacity

If he has
Show me
I have shown you. Your insistence on ignoring the preconditions applicable to the immunity is entirely a you thing.
The president has always had immunity for official acts committed while President. Twisted terrorist democrats are pretending this is brand new.
They'll attempt to change anything and everything if it suits their goals and agenda. I've been alerting or alluding to this ever since I've come on this site. I've been absolutely right as proven many many times over the years, and I'll continue to be right because I have common sense and righteous understanding built into my DNA.

Biden is a dangerous man now, because he has the freedom all due to giving up, to now reek havoc like never seen before on this country. Stay tuned...

Not impeaching him, and not making him a certified lame duck president, could very well be yet another mistake made by the Republicans. Republicans have got to stop being weak in the knees.

People like Cruz and other's are fighting for this country like no other in those judiciary hearings to stop the select Biden nominees from being seated, and it's a shame that they've been put into that situation by a deunified party that should be supporting the efforts of Cruz and others without waver.
This is just more vote buying by Biden acting on behalf of Kumilla.

Good luck getting 60 votes in the Senate, and even if they did, it would be challenged Constitutionally, where the case would end up in..................., wait for it......................................the Supreme Court, where the justices would never vote against their own interests.

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