How does the Left use any tragedy to blame their adversaries?

Authoritarianism and dictatorship devolve to mass murder every single time. Right or left doesn't matter. Authoritarianism leads to mass murder.

You haven't learned from history. You have no knowledge of history whatseover. You believe what Trump tells you and that's all you need in life.
Projection is a hell of a thing, innit? You never have to feel responsible for your own failures.
There was mass protests in Israel against Bibi prior to 10/7 which is why 10/7 happened lol.
There must be some disincentive you had in mine to get us to "stop being a bunch of fucking morons" which you mean, of course, "stop making me look like an idiot".

Meanwhile, all throughout history, leftists have murdered millions for their ideology. No amount of whining about Trump will ever change that.

You're not making anyone look like an idiot except yourself.

Republicans have crashed your economy 3 times in the past 40 years, destroyed the unions, and gutted labour laws. They have nearly destroyed your nation with their cut taxes and spend economy, but everything is the leftists fault.

AUTHORITARIANS on both sides of the political scale, have murdered millions, not for their ideology, but because they could not tolerate criticism or opposition.
There must be some disincentive you had in mine to get us to "stop being a bunch of fucking morons" which you mean, of course, "stop making me look like an idiot".

Meanwhile, all throughout history, leftists have murdered millions for their ideology. No amount of whining about Trump will ever change that.
Take a look at a trump rally. Your kind are the idiots.
Projection is a hell of a thing, innit? You never have to feel responsible for your own failures.

I wouldn't know. I have always taken responsibility for my actions and my failures. Having worked in banking, and law all of my professional life, I have a clear understanding of finance, economics and law, and how they work, and the government role in them.

Unlike you, I know which party is fiscally irresponsible and destroying the working and middle class.

Anybody can tear down someone or something. You have that part down pat. What are you going to do to make the changes needed to make things better.

I have little to no patience with hacks who sit there lying about the other side and claiming some imaginary victory. What do you think you're winning, here davechild?

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