And many of you say Trump is a liar? See what a seasoned 50 years as MSM reporter confessed!

She admitted she made a mistake. When has Donaldl Trump ever admitted that he said something he should not have said? Everytime Trump says or does something heinous, he doubles down on it.

Grab 'em by the pussy. When you're a star they let you do it.
The argument here appears to be that, because someone else may have lied, that means Trump doesn't.

This is the level of "logic" that we see every day from these people.
The Dems are completely without shame or remorse. There's no lie they won't tell and no low they won't stoop to.
What does this have to do with whether Trump is a liar or not?

He's habitual. Chronic. Pathological. Unwell. People across the political spectrum know this.

And he's enabled every minute of every day by his obedient cult, who pretend he's honest.
Ahhh you talking about politicians again?
The argument here appears to be that, because someone else may have lied, that means Trump doesn't.

This is the level of "logic" that we see every day from these people.
There's only one logic when it comes to politics. First of all your definition of a lie has been ratcheted up to the extreme to fit your narrative. Secondly it's utterly hilarious to watch all the pot and kettle stuff that goes on around here.
There's only one logic when it comes to politics. First of all your definition of a lie has been ratcheted up to the extreme to fit your narrative. Secondly it's utterly hilarious to watch all the pot and kettle stuff that goes on around here.
You're free to equate Trump with standard-issue politicians.

I don't.
Judy Woodruff American broadcast journalist who has worked in local, network, cable, and public television news since 1970.
Judy Woodruff - Wikipedia

Woodruff, during PBS’ Democratic national convention coverage on Monday, repeated a story she had read in Axios and Reuters that Trump had allegedly been encouraging Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to put off peace talks until after the U.S. election in the belief that a deal could help Democrat Kamala Harris’ campaign.

But Woodruff said in a post on X on Wednesday that she had not seen later reporting that the story had been denied by the Trump campaign and Israel.

She said her remarks had not been based on any original reporting on her part.
“This was a mistake, and I apologize for it,” Woodruff said.

Folks a 50 year reporter that BIASEDLY spread false stories is why I am concerned about this election!
Those of you with TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) please consider how many falsehoods like the above have been perpetuated by the BIASED MSM and you believe them!

NOW here is exactly what Trump told Netanyahu!
“I did encourage him to get this over with. You want to get it over with fast. Have victory, get your victory, and get it over with.
It has to stop, the killing has to stop,” Trump added.

To all you TDSers... where in what Trump said was the phrase with PUTTING OFF PEACE TALKS?
encouraging Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to put off peace talks until after the U.S. election in the belief that a deal could help Democrat Kamala Harris’ campaign.

It is so dangerous for our country that TDSers, Democrats, the News media all put hatred of Trump over the truth.
A simple example : How many TDSers, Democrats, biased MSM still think Trump said "drink bleach"???
You can bet this isn't the first time Woodruff has told whoopers and called it 'news' or 'reports are' with no proof.

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