Lara Bush and the RNC might save America

Who "had him shot"? BTW, he could still end up in jail. No one goes to jail over hush money payments but inciting a deadly riot and ordering his goons to beat up 130 cops just might get him locked up. Remember when our crazies were going to lock up Hillary Clinton for using email? :auiqs.jpg:

This is why if Harris wins there IS no America to be loyal too. You don't care about a justice system so long as you can see your enemies jailed, right or wrong.

Can't share a nation with that. It's over.
Say what you will about DJT as a candidate, once you understand what Lara Trump and the RNC are doing to secure election, you will give the RNC leadership a 10 minute Ravi Shankar at Monterey standing ovation

The only reason the WEF and Obama got away with the crime if the Century in 2020 was a legal principle called “laches” Because the lawsuits were filed only after the steals, the Courts would not take the cases because the Plantiffs had “no standing”

Fast forward to today

The RNC is challenging EVERYTHING that matters

For example, there are about 2,300 Wayne County MI poll watchers this November. The RNC gave Wayne Cty a list of 3,000 potential, qualified watchers. The WEF run county only picked 50. The other 2,000 plus are “democrats”

The RNC sued Wayne County RIGHT NOW over this clearly criminal behavior

Similar suits are being filed all over the country

One day we will have free and fair elections, with up to the minute accurate voter databases. Until then the Courts will have to Stop the Steals

And this time we come prepared
Do you know how hard it is to steal an election by fraud these days...

Real Election analysts will tell you... We know so much about the electorate we can predict the voting of each house... We know these models with reasonable accuracy...

So knowing this, can you tell me how mass voter fraud was done?

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