Is Kamala violating U.S. law by providing support to a terrorist organization

And the same leftist ^^^ blaming the Jew Country instead of the terrorist organization who is holding and torturing Jews, and who kicked the whole thing off with a barbaric massacre.
? Why can't we blame both?

Hamas for their murderous spree against civilians, and Israel for sloppy conduct of it's anti-Hamas operations that are causing tons of civilian deaths.
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? Why can't we blame both?

Hamas for their murderous spree against civilians, and Israel for sloppy conduct of it's operations that are causing tons of civilian deaths.
well----you get a 50% on that test. Yes Hamas does a killing spree----but nothing sloppy about the attempts to root terrorists
out of the loving hands of Gazan collaborators
well----you get a 50% on that test. Yes Hamas does a killing spree----but nothing sloppy about the attempts to root terrorists
out of the loving hands of Gazan collaborators

You clearly don't know wtf has been going on down there.

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