MAGA Sycophant Mocked After Clip Shows Him Calling Simone Biles "Weak Little Gymnast"

That is great. If only she was in important fields creating new technologies and/or fixing problems with new technologies as an example. She would not be known, but we would be better off if we had many of our young getting degrees and earning it in the important subjects needed. you see the costs of things we build now. From military to deep space and everything in between. At some point we have to be sported out.

Simone Biles is an incredible athlete. She is one of the most decorated gymnasts in US history.

These sports often allow athletes to attend a major university that they would normally not be able to afford.

Whomever that jackass was in 2021, he has obviously never competed at the highest level.

Here is a question for those berating her for stepping out of the competition.

Should an athlete be forced to compete (for entertainment of the masses) if they are injured or say they are unable to compete?
Criticism stemming fro the facts of the situation=- in this case, the GOAT choking under pressure.

And who is it who claims she choked under pressure? A politician?

If the athlete says they cannot safely compete, they should not compete. Period.

Ms Biles is has won more medals than most. I am sure she has competed through pain and injury.
And who is it who claims she choked under pressure?
The entire sports press community reported she withdrew due to "mental stress and pressure" or some variation thereof.

The GOAT choked under pressure.
Legitimate criticism.

The entire sports press community reported she withdrew due to "mental stress and pressure" or some variation thereof.

The GOAT choked under pressure.
Legitimate criticism.

She has a record of mental health issues. She is the one who decides if she is fit to compete.

The idea that an athlete should compete, when they say they shouldn't, is lunacy. To risk an athlete's health because the audience demands entertainment is absolutely wrong.
She was on the team, dope. If she wasn’t able to perform, the team would have lost and she would have prevented one of the other excellent gymnasts from competing.

Remind me how the team did without her? That’s right. They won.

Stepping down and letting the team go on was selfless.
WTF are you blabbing about? In 2020 Tokyo Biles withdrew. The team LOST the gold.
I ain’t no little weak gymnast that quits when the going gets tough,” Robinson said during a 2021 campaign event. “My generation’s cut from a different cloth.”

A quitter?

Not true
She did quit. That is a fact.

I’m glad she came back and won gold this time around, but she did quit in 2020 and cost the team the gold medal.
Democrats do not even have a passing glance at the truth. They rely on a handful of social media activists to tell them their daily opinions.

In 2051, everyone will know who Simone Biles is.

Nobody will remember who Mark Robinson was.

Loud mouth right wingers are only relevant as long as they are alive. The week after they die, nobody cares or remembers who they were.

Talk about weak.

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