Weird Jesse Watters of Fox News Officially loses his mind

You ever get the feeling that these right wing loons who incessantly broadcast their supposed disdain are closeted homosexuals?
Some are.

Many just need a target. They can't bully women and brown people as much anymore, because now it loses elections.

So in 8 short years they went from having a tranny as a keynote speaker at CPAC to hating trannies and gays.

This is part and parcel of the GOP strategy. How do you get working class peope to vote for the party that busts unions, removes protections for workers, opposes wage hikes, won't help them with insurance or daycare, college, etc...?

Why, you convince them the people they hate are coming after them.

It's been working for 40 years.
I seriously doubt sissified leftist girly men were ever going to vote Trump. Waters is mocking you loons
So tens of millions of men who vote for Kamala are "sissies"? Thanks for handing the election to Kamala. No sane person wants anything to do with your kind.
Some are.

Many just need a target. They can't bully women and brown people as much anymore, because now it loses elections.

So in 8 short years they went from having a tranny as a keynote speaker at CPAC to hating trannies and gays.

This is part and parcel of the GOP strategy. How do you get working class peope to vote for the party that busts unions, removes protections for workers, opposes wage hikes, won't help them with insurance or daycare, college, etc...?

Why, you convince them the people they hate are coming after them.

It's been working for 40 years.
Yep. Who was the tranny? Was it Jenner?

What always amuses me about the red state guys is that the only 2 red states that matter are Florida and Texas. When I say “matters”, I mean that from a GDP perspective.

People spend more in SF on tourism than Mississippi spends on it’s entire population.

Let that sink in.

Anyway, the only reason Texas and Florida are not Mississippi East and West is because of globalization--the thing the red state whack jobs arguably hate most in the world.

The GOP has become expert at selling whatever their redneck audience is willing to buy whether it has any kernel of truth in it or not.

it was actually refreshing the other day--and a bit shocking I’ll admit--to hear someone from the right who spoke the truth on some matters. Like all red state red necks, he was flat up silly about some things but on others; he was refreshingly honest and candid.

I urge you to give it a listen on your next commute. I guarantee you’ll be surprised. PS: Axelrod is a terrible host.


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