Weird Jesse Watters of Fox News Officially loses his mind

Most voters arent focused on this stuff. They will, however, be turned off from your side when you start calling them trannies simply for voting for a specific candidate. You'll learn the hard way in November I guess.
After the hilarious Olympics debacle, America is starting to realize that these people think they have the right to be offended by the very existence and presence of LGBTQ people. And then coddled for it.
Those white dudes for Kamala are compromised, and being forced to say these things, or they really need help!
So Jesse Watters isnt the weird one who says that men who vote for Kamala will turn into women. What fucking reality do you live in?
So Jesse Watters isnt the weird one who says that men who vote for Kamala will turn into women. What fucking reality do you live in?
This is what he said!
I heard the scientists say the other day that when a man votes for a woman, he actually transitions into a woman”
"Media Matters" is a Soros tax exempt left wing operation that monitors only right wing pundits. MM picks out selected excerpts, spins them and feeds it to left wing blogs. Ignorant lefties post them without having to think. Not worth arguing.
If MediaMatters ever put anything into its honest context they might have a bit of credibility now and then. Since they don't, they are entirely unreliable and untrustworthy to critique anybody.
So what was the "honest context"?
So what was the "honest context"?
I can't recite it from memory but I did see that segment and what Watters said was absolutely reasonable. Media Matters has had Jesse in their crosshairs ever since he attained the No. 1 status in cable news. Google MediaMatters/Jesse Watters and you'll see attack after attack after attack.
I can't recite it from memory but I did see that segment and what Watters said was absolutely reasonable. Media Matters has had Jesse in their crosshairs ever since he attained the No. 1 status in cable news. Google MediaMatters/Jesse Watters and you'll see attack after attack after attack.
So you have nothing. What possible context could saying all men voting for Kamala in November will become women be "reasonable"? He's weird and every sane person knows it.
So you keep all your fetish pics on the cloud. So how many pics of trannies have you posted on here?

After the hilarious Olympics debacle, America is starting to realize that these people think they have the right to be offended by the very existence and presence of LGBTQ people. And then coddled for it.
That is not the truth and you know it. The crap is being shoved down people throats and they have every right to be offended. That is all you people ever are. Queers have been around forever and will be until the end of time. They need to get on with their lives and leave other people out of it. Especially children.

You people want to inflict your lifestyles and beliefs on people who want nothing to do with it. That is not a right it is bullying and intimidation.

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