Weird Jesse Watters of Fox News Officially loses his mind

Democrats should continue to expose these weirdos as part of their campaign strategy, these are the ones who give oxygen to the Trump campaign, the modern day Goebbels of the Reichwing.

"rePUbliCanS aRe weiRD!"
They don't stay on my computer.

You on the other hand probably fuck trannies, pre or post op.
Duly noted you did not reject the rest of my statement. Why are you thinking about this gay stuff all the time and looking up pics of trannies non stop? Seems to me you are the one here coming out. What is your fascination with trannies you have to download all these pics of them?
Duly noted you did not reject the rest of my statement. Why are you thinking about this gay stuff all the time and looking up pics of trannies non stop? Seems to me you are the one here coming out. What is your fascination with trannies you have to download all these pics of them?

I said nothing of the sort, and your game is weak and tired.

Who downloads things anymore? 2006 called it wants it's data storage back.
I said nothing of the sort, and your game is weak and tired.

Who downloads things anymore? 2006 called it wants it's data storage back.
So you keep all your fetish pics on the cloud. So how many pics of trannies have you posted on here?
Kamala has the freaks and weirdo's votes locked in.

The most anti American thing a person can do is cast a vote for democrats.
Calling millions of potential voters trannies for thinking about voting for Kamala isnt going to win you an election. Please, keep it up!
Democrats think drag queens that perform for children are "normal".
Most voters arent focused on this stuff. They will, however, be turned off from your side when you start calling them trannies simply for voting for a specific candidate. You'll learn the hard way in November I guess.

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