Study: More than 50% of young leftist women have a mental disorder

The leftist run Olympics just announced they are considering letting men into the boxing ring with women, where a well-placed blow to the head could kill their (biologically) inferior women.

We can always count on the Party of Women’s Rights to destroy the lifelong dreams of young women, and actually place them in physical danger.

Just the thought of women boxing sounds repulsive.
Demanding the “justice” of your feelings be recognized and fulfilled is maddening
Plus guys in the 18-38 range are so much less masculine now. The girl carries the conversation , which is fine, and the guy sits there and teehees like a fine young Miss, which isn’t fine
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It's not, same as women UFC. nothing wrong with ones that want to fight being able to fight.

Except of course when they allow men to fight them.
Thats revulsive too. When I was younger I did kickboxing. The thought of a woman being involved gives me the shivers.
90 seconds on social media tells me it's more than 50%.

That's because modern America is training, teaching and making most women think and believe in things, feel things, and want things that will not make them happy.

They are being told only focusing on your career, only focusing on making more money than a man, only focus on your own selfish desires, not having children, only focus on how all men are toxic, how masculine men are what's wrong with the world, that being fat is awesome, that being beautiful really means being plain and ugly, that expressing disdain and scorn for men and our society is the right way to feel, that they are not equal and deserve to be special at the same time, and all of that other nonsense will make them happy. But it doesn't make them happy, it makes them unhappy and unsatisfied.

So it's no wonder they have mental issues. They are being trained to go against everything that has been making them feel happy and satisfied up till now.
90 seconds on social media tells me it's more than 50%.

That's because modern America is training, teaching and making most women think and believe in things, feel things, and want things that will not make them happy.

They are being told only focusing on your career, only focusing on making more money than a man, only focus on your own selfish desires, not having children, only focus on how all men are toxic, how masculine men are what's wrong with the world, that being fat is awesome, that being beautiful really means being plain and ugly, that expressing disdain and scorn for men and our society is the right way to feel, that they are not equal and deserve to be special at the same time, and all of that other nonsense will make them happy. But it doesn't make them happy, it makes them unhappy and unsatisfied.

So it's no wonder they have mental issues. They are being trained to go against everything that has been making them feel happy and satisfied up till now.

They took the dreams and aspirations via feminism of one type of woman, and assumed they would all be happy following that model.

They were wrong. Now they are trying it with boys, saying they all need to feminize up.
90 seconds on social media tells me it's more than 50%.

That's because modern America is training, teaching and making most women think and believe in things, feel things, and want things that will not make them happy.

They are being told only focusing on your career, only focusing on making more money than a man, only focus on your own selfish desires, not having children, only focus on how all men are toxic, how masculine men are what's wrong with the world, that being fat is awesome, that being beautiful really means being plain and ugly, that expressing disdain and scorn for men and our society is the right way to feel, that they are not equal and deserve to be special at the same time, and all of that other nonsense will make them happy. But it doesn't make them happy, it makes them unhappy and unsatisfied.

So it's no wonder they have mental issues. They are being trained to go against everything that has been making them feel happy and satisfied up till now.

Holy smokes, who took a shit in your head like that?
This doesn't surprise me. It is disturbing though. I have a friend who is a principal at a high school and she said that 70 percent of the kids are on some type of depression/anxiety/ADHD/ drug.
This doesn't surprise me. It is disturbing though. I have a friend who is a principal at a high school and she said that 70 percent of the kids are on some type of depression/anxiety/ADHD/ drug.
Its an interesting statistical game to try to figure out the underlying demographics and if they determined the result, but I don't do that work any more.

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