Trump ear didn't require stitches - just a scratch

And you sound like a supporter who has exaggerated the incident into some kind of badge of courage .
I wonder how Kamala Harris would react?

My guess is she would fall apart and have to be pried off the stage floor with a crowbar even with all the SS surrounding her for protection

Trump responded in the most manly way possible and thats to his credit
You only tell your DELUSIONS. :cuckoo:
LOL ! I do not believe I am perfect , I do not believe I am super-intelligent , I do not believe I have perfect hair , or make perfect phone calls. I don't believe I won when I clearly lost. etc. , etc. But you know who does , your psychotic leader. He has all those DELUSIONS. You fool.

I wonder how Kamala Harris would react?

My guess is she would fall apart and have to be pried off the stage floor with a crowbar even with all the SS surrounding her for protection

Trump responded in the most manly way possible and thats to his credit
She's a lot stronger than your drama queen trump baby.
LOL ! I do not believe I am perfect , I do not believe I am super-intelligent , I do not believe I have perfect hair , or make perfect phone calls. I don't believe I won when I clearly lost. etc. , etc. But you know who does , your psychotic leader. He has all those DELUSIONS. You fool.
She's a lot stronger than your drama queen trump baby.
We may never know about that since the Deep State has no reason to kill her

There wont be any bullets flying to bloody her ear
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Yes ,trump is nuts ! Now you understand why he is loved and hated so much. He brings out the worst in ALL people. Especially the far-right and far-left nuts. More numerous than ever and more dangerous. This should have lead to a good discussion on gun violence and finally addressing it in this country. But no the extremists just want to argue about details , real and imagined , and avoid the real issues facing US all. Blame and hatred get you nowhere. Reason and discussion have always solved problems. Emotion has no place in discussions. It's just another distraction that works against US.
Yes ,trump is nuts ! Now you understand why he is loved and hated so much. He brings out the worst in ALL people. Especially the far-right and far-left nuts. More numerous than ever and more dangerous. This should have lead to a good discussion on gun violence and finally addressing it in this country. But no the extremists just want to argue about details , real and imagined , and avoid the real issues facing US all. Blame and hatred get you nowhere. Reason and discussion have always solved problems. Emotion has no place in discussions. It's just another distraction that works against US.
There is no gun violence in this country. There's plenty of people violence though. Try taking your blame and hatred message where it belongs.... Straight to the DNC.
Oh well that settles it! There was no assassination attempt.. so glad we got that straightened out.
There was an attempt on Trump's life. A young troubled man was responsible. Trump was very lucky and only got grazed by the bullet. That's why he didn't need any stitches. Some of his followers were injured and one died as a result of the attack. It was universally condemned by all parties. Now let's do something about this insanity and stop gun violence.
There was an attempt on Trump's life. A young troubled man was responsible. Trump was very lucky and only got grazed by the bullet. That's why he didn't need any stitches. Some of his followers were injured and one died as a result of the attack. It was universally condemned by all parties. Now let's do something about this insanity and stop gun violence.
You'll never stop it simply by removing guns. Additionally you are always going to have some violence. The greatest source of violence in the nation are the political parties. A political party affiliation is far more dangerous than any gun.
Drama queen? What a moron you are. You're just disappointed, plain and simple.
Everything is over the top with trump. That's exactly what drama queens,do.teump's ratings are more or less equal to that of RuPaul. No surprise there , they are sisters.Did you ever wonder why trump likes the YMCA song so much. There you go , now you understand. The guy can't keep a wife either. Barking up the wrong tree his whole life. No wonder he's so miserable.
I know isn't it ironic. trump must have 9 lives. My mother always said , " Those who have money , power and luck in this world need it because they won't have it in the next , and pity anyone who has all 3." I think she embellished an old Jewish or Polish folk tale in coming up with that one.
does not seem like a jewish adage to me at all---- but could be
polish catholic
You'll never stop it simply by removing guns. Additionally you are always going to have some violence. The greatest source of violence in the nation are the political parties. A political party affiliation is far more dangerous than any gun.
Did I say anything about removing guns. Correct , every one of us has that potential to go crazy. Seems even more so than ever. Everything is played up as a crisis these days, and although gun violence is a crisis most things in life aren't. Surely you can make one suggestion that would help. Get the discussion started, with your friends , at your schools , something , anything will help.
does not seem like a jewish adage to me at all---- but could be
polish catholic
My mother became an indentured servant in a Jewish home when she was 12. It was a common practice in Poland and even carried over into the US in the early part of the 20th.century. She was not very educated , but had a lot of wisdom.
Yes ,trump is nuts ! Now you understand why he is loved and hated so much. He brings out the worst in ALL people. Especially the far-right and far-left nuts. More numerous than ever and more dangerous. This should have lead to a good discussion on gun violence and finally addressing it in this country. But no the extremists just want to argue about details , real and imagined , and avoid the real issues facing US all. Blame and hatred get you nowhere. Reason and discussion have always solved problems. Emotion has no place in discussions. It's just another distraction that works against US.
"Reason and discussion have always solved problems. Emotion has no place in discussions."
As I stated, you have NO SELF-AWARENESS, at all.
You have TERMINAL stage four TDS.
YOU cannot be reached.
YOU cannot be reasoned with.
YOU do nothing but PROJECT your own delusions on others.
One thing you better remember: MAGA is NOT a person.....
My mother became an indentured servant in a Jewish home when she was 12. It was a common practice in Poland and even carried over into the US in the early part of the 20th.century. She was not very educated , but had a lot of wisdom.
"indentured servant" means forced service as a legal penalty or
contract. Sociologists consider it a form of slavery. Sounds to me
like her parents got her a job. UNFORTUNATELY---we have a form
of indentured service right here in the USA----it is a way for people
out there in the "third world" to virtually "sell" their children into
service in the USA as minor age immigrants. The standard is for
people in the USA to claim the kids are "relatives" A similar form
is RAMPANT in the Emirates. where hordes of impoverished people from southeast asia get hired as servants and somehow get their
passports confiscated
"Reason and discussion have always solved problems. Emotion has no place in discussions."
As I stated, you have NO SELF-AWARENESS, at all.
You have TERMINAL stage four TDS.
YOU cannot be reached.
YOU cannot be reasoned with.
YOU do nothing but PROJECT your own delusions on others.
One thing you better remember: MAGA is NOT a person.....
You are delusional. trump is MAGA and he's got you eating out of his hand. Fool. When he is finally gone it will morph into something else revolving around another authoritarian figure , one that's even worse , most likely. When you're on the same team , the only way to.come out on top is to be badder.i pity what the republicans have done to themselves. This is absolutely he wrong answer. It's a death sentence in a free nation.
"indentured servant" means forced service as a legal penalty or
contract. Sociologists consider it a form of slavery. Sounds to me
like her parents got her a job. UNFORTUNATELY---we have a form
of indentured service right here in the USA----it is a way for people
out there in the "third world" to virtually "sell" their children into
service in the USA as minor age immigrants. The standard is for
people in the USA to claim the kids are "relatives" A similar form
is RAMPANT in the Emirates. where hordes of impoverished people from southeast asia get hired as servants and somehow get their
passports confiscated
Ok, her parents handed her over to a Jewish family where she was housed and fed by them , lived under their roof , and was paid nothing. She did a lot of the family's daily chores in return. Her parents ( my grandparents ) were given a small sum each month
I don't know exactly what you'd call that but it wasn't good.

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