Trump ear didn't require stitches - just a scratch

You are delusional. trump is MAGA and he's got you eating out of his hand. Fool. When he is finally gone it will morph into something else revolving around another authoritarian figure , one that's even worse , most likely. When you're on the same team , the only way to.come out on top is to be badder.i pity what the republicans have done to themselves. This is absolutely he wrong answer. It's a death sentence in a free nation.
Go back to bed, Stann. You're still DRUNK.
Ok, her parents handed her over to a Jewish family where she was housed and fed by them , lived under their roof , and was paid nothing. Her parents ( my grandparents ) were given a small sum each month
I don't know exactly what you'd call that but it wasn't good.
sounds like sorta standard misery-----like OLIVER TWIST
Go back to bed, Stann. You're still DRUNK.
You may drink , I do not. Used to have a few beers iny youth but haven't had a beer in about 30 years now. It doesn't taste good anymore. Have one yourself.I work part-time nights.
You may drink , I do not. Used to have a few beers iny youth but haven't had a beer in about 30 years now. It doesn't taste good anymore. Have one yourself.I work part-time nights.
BEER? it never tasted good-----why people prefer it to
coca cola (yummy) has always mystified me
So the Orange Baboon-God wore a gauze pad on his ear for dramatic effect for a few days...

MEH... big deal... so what... nobody cares...

He's entitled to wear a Boo-Boo Badge after getting shot during a campaign event...

I can't stand the SOB...

But he's entitled, in this instance...

Let it go and move on to something with some actual importance...
So the Orange Baboon-God wore a gauze pad on his ear for dramatic effect for a few days...

MEH... big deal... so what... nobody cares...

He's entitled to wear a Boo-Boo Badge after getting shot during a campaign event...

I can't stand the SOB...

But he's entitled, in this instance...

Let it go and move on to something with some actual importance...
No amount of your downplaying of the assassination attempt on Trump will change the fact that it happened, carrion crow.
Stupid shit-bird.
So the Orange Baboon-God wore a gauze pad on his ear for dramatic effect for a few days...

MEH... big deal... so what... nobody cares...

He's entitled to wear a Boo-Boo Badge after getting shot during a campaign event...

I can't stand the SOB...

But he's entitled, in this instance...

Let it go and move on to something with some actual importance...
See post above , it never ends. Constant BS.
No amount of your downplaying of the assassination attempt on Trump will change the fact that it happened, carrion crow.
Stupid shit-bird.
I am by no means "downplaying" it.

Rather, I said that after the assassination attempt, that he SHOULD be able to wear that gauze-pad.

Reading Comprehension problems, my little MAGAtt a$$wipe?
Oh yes , the whole world is against trump. Where did you hear that from trump ? ! No doubt , the most prolific liar to come down the pike in ages. Wake up already, yes you were had by him but millions were. Please do yourself a favor and get as far away from him as you can. He's only going to cause you and the rest of US more trouble. He's a con man ,personally affected several ofy family members years ago. The man belongs in prison.
I've not heard the whole world is against trump. But anyway your opinion is all you've given and your opinion is based on a lie the democrat lying propaganda media told you.
Did I say anything about removing guns. Correct , every one of us has that potential to go crazy. Seems even more so than ever. Everything is played up as a crisis these days, and although gun violence is a crisis most things in life aren't. Surely you can make one suggestion that would help. Get the discussion started, with your friends , at your schools , something , anything will help.
Here’s what you did say:

Now let's do something about this insanity and stop gun violence.

If you are not a typical lib gun grabber what is your plan?

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